Chapter 1

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"Cassie! Get your ass over here boy!"

Castiel tried to suppress a sigh as he heard the annoying nickname. He turned around and walked up to the doorway, leaning on the frame and looking at Gordon.

"Yes, sir?"

Gordon was sitting in his office like usual, writing some notes down and tapping the desk. He was still looking down at the documents on his desk when he muttered to Castiel.

"You're going to have to take tonight's rounds. Shurley was puking his guts and he went home. "

The days were all blurred together and it'd been weeks of shitty headaches and  having the crappy thing he calls a job.  But Castiel smirked as he said "alright" and walked back out. Chuck Shurley certainly wasn't fit to be working in a prison. The inmates easily intimidated him which always caused problems but it kept the days interesting. 

A few minutes later,  Castiel was already checking what he needed.

Clipboard, Pen, Chart, Baton.

Now determine prisoners.

He could already tell he was nearing the cell block as he heard the noise. The cell block wasn't exactly a bad place in Castiel's opinion. Sure, there were a few criminals that really pushed his buttons and were always trying to act like tough thugs, but there were still good guys that treated Castiel kindly, almost like friends. They were usually nice to have a conversation with.

"Novak, hey"

Castiel paused and smiled at Gabriel.

"Hello, Milton. You feelin good today?"

Gabriel was sitting on the bottom bunk bed as he sighed and put his elbows on his knees, holding his chin. His eyes were beginning to gloss over.

Castiel's face looked concerned for the man. Gabriel wasn't the type to show sadness.  He was always cracking jokes and grinning.

"Milton, really, what's wrong?"

A short silence.

"  ....Two more years and I get out of this place. You know, today was my brother's birthday. He's turning 6 this year. He's growing so fast and I'm not even there to stand by his side. I bet he barely even remembers me, the rascal. " Gabriel had a bittersweet smile as he thought about his brother, Raphael. 

Castiel was writing down on the clipboard as he checked Gabriel. "Don't worry. Once you get out, you'll be with him long enough that he'll get annoyed you're always there. Maybe you could even invite me and we'll  tell stories about your days here."

Gabriel chuckled and sniffled back a sob, "Castiel, you really do treat us like normal humans. Every other guard is a complete dickhead. I'll have to introduce you two"

Castiel tapped the pen on his clipboard and grinned at Gabriel, "I'll see you later for my night rounds" he started walking when he quickly turned serious and told Gabriel "And it's Novak, or sir."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Sir "

Castiel smiled, nodded his head, and continued walking down the cells, checking each and making sure everyone was in their assigned places.

A few "Hello's" and others silent "Fuck you's" were passsed throughout, but he jumped slightly when he heard a voice call from the next cell, a new voice he couldn't recognize. 

"Hey, nice ass"

Castiel whirled around and stared at the man who was standing by the bars. His eyes were hues of emerald green and he had freckles across his face, especially on the bridge of his nose. Castiel had been given rude remarks before, but he could hear his heartbeat almost pounding as he walked up to the man. If it weren't for the bars inbetween them, they could have easily been touching foreheads.

"Excuse me?"

The stranger smirked.

"I said, nice.ass."

Castiel glanced down at his papers and searched for the new name in cell 37.

Dean Winchester?

"I suggest you try and not start your first day in here with a bad impression or things are just going to get worse for you....Winchester"

A clicking sound escaped Dean's lips as he let go of the bars, backing up a bit.

"Oh please, blue eyes, I can take care of myself. What's your name anyways?."

"Just call me sir"

Dean crossed his arms, his confidence hadn't wavered a single bit. He was about to make another snark comment when someone's voice interrupted.

"CASTIEL, WOULD YOU HURRY UP?! SHURLEY WAS FASTER THAN YOU AND HE WAS A BONELESS WIMP. I NEED HELP GETTING A NEW ONE INTO 37" Uriel's voice echoed throughout the halls and laughter ensued as Castiel sighed and shook his head. "I'LL BE RIGHT THERE."

Dean smiled and turned his back to Castiel,  climbing up to his top bunk bed and laying down with his face staring up at the ceiling and arms crossed under his head.

"See you later, Castiel"


I was temtped to at least try it out so here. Please point out any mistakes if I missed them. And I don't know exactly EVERYTHING about how the sysytems in jails work exactly (I might do some research to make sure) so yeah. There might be wrong stuff. BUT my excuse can be that it's in an alternative universe so hey stuff might be changed and other things XD

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