Chapter 2

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"How about you fucking try big boy, I'll show you what happens when you think you can just take my food"

Dean stood his ground as his new inmate  loomed over him in the cafeteria. Dean had passed by him, this "Big W" guy, and swiped a bit of corn bread from the bulky dude's plate. His head was shaved and there was a tattoo of a bird eating a bloody heart on his arm.

"Look man, it was just a piece of bread, don't be such a baby and-" Dean didn't have enough time to finish his sentence when he saw the eagle on W's arm start moving and Dean was all of a sudden laying on the floor, looking up at the lights hanging on the ceiling. The asshole punched him.  What kind of asshole punches someone for a piece of bread? What the hell are those lazy ass guards doing now?

Dean slowly stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He ignored the pain that attacked his head and shot up his back.

Big W raised his chest and turned around to get high fives from his prison buddies and every other guy that witnessed W beat Dean down easily.

"Hey W."

Big W was too busy grinning at the onlookers when Dean hit his back and pushed him down.  The large body hit the cement floor with a loud thud and the struggle began as Dean and Big W rolled around, Dean getting a few hits, Big W getting a few more.

Yells and grunts echoed across the room. Every single fist that touched cheek would leave potentially nasty bruises. Some of the guards stood by, waiting to see when the punching would become too much so they would move in. They talked to each other casually as a small crowd started forming around the two beaten bodies.

Dean had his legs around W's torso, both already stained with blood that started to mix together as they rolled aroud. Dean was on top and finally had a good advantage, he started throwing punch after punch after punch after punch- every hit fueled by more anger, by more frustration,  until he couldn't even see what he was doing anymore. Everything was a blur. He was seething.

He kept struggling as he heard yells.

He kept punching as arms dragged him back.

He kept kicking as a baton hit his gut.

He felt his tears threatening to spill as someone else held him and pulled him, walking out of the lunch room with him.

"Take him to solitary Castiel" he heard, "Give him a moment" another voice shouted angrily.

His arms were held back while he opened his eyes, at some point he had closed them tightly.  He slowed his breathing and calmed himself as he sighed deeply, his heart still pounding in his ears , looking straight foward and waiting to be pushed foward by the warm hands holdings both of his.

"Winchester, are you ok?" Castiel's deep voice dripped with concern.

Dean was quiet for a moment, the silence heavy with tension,  and his smirk quickly returned.



Ay mi madre that was short.  I gotta work on my writing cuz just *whistles* what was this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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