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Blake's P.O.V

"How can you call this disgusting homo, my son?"

"He is our son, how dare you say that!"

"Ha! Son you say! More like a fucking girl, he does not belong in this house."

"How dare you? You close-minded asshole!"



And continuous yelling.

My parents are once again, at each other's throat. I got up from the stairs, going to my room and locking the door. If I stay away and act invisible, I won't get beaten.

Beaten? More like abuse.

I have been abuse all my life: physically, verbally, and emotionally.

Funny how people at my school always find me outgoing and sexy. I'm not any of that, I'm just trash. I'm never me, not once have I been myself. I live my life like an puppet, I must act according to how people want me to. I have no say, I can't talk back and it kills me. I don't fight for myself, because I'm afraid of being alone.

Loneliness? I'm only worthless trash.

I closed my eyes, letting my emotions overflow in me.

I'm not allowed to do anything I want, I'm not allowed to have what I want. I'm stripped from freedom, I'm a trapped prisoner. I laughed, "I want to be free like an bird." Once again, I'm talking to myself. Lonely, huh?

Guess what? I'm not even allowed to love freely. I'm force to love people I don't care for. Just like how my dad acts like he loves me in public, only if they can see how he his at home. I'm unwanted, my mother acts like see loves me, but she doesn't. I'm used by my mother and hated by my father.

I turned over and sighed for the thousandth time today.

You know who is worse than my parents, this girl named Catherine. I am nothing but a simple puppet, a toy, a piece of trash to her. She uses me to do her dirty work and I do it like a loyal dog. She forces me to love her, knowing I'm gay and never will.

Funny, I'm gay. My father forces me to hide it, he doesn't want anyone to know. My mother does the same, but she sits here and yells at my father for it. Ha! Such an fake mother.

I looked at my pillow, letting my tears soak it. When have I started to cry? Who knows and who cares. I just wish, I just wish someone will notices my crying for help. I've been in the dark, trap in a prison. Everything is fake, I want someone to notice. Anyone, for anyone to care. I want meaning to my life and most of all, love.

Someone, anyone, please prove to me that my existence means something.

"Are you awake?

To hear my screams

To see my tears

Scars are all over my body

My voice has died

I lost the meaning of life

I learned only darkness and pain

Light, you say? I lost it

Silent cries

Quiet screams

I'm pleading to be saved

Tell me, are you awake?

To see the loneliness I always lived"


I wrote that poem myself

So please don't steal it

I wrote this from the top of my head. Sorry if my poem sucks, I'm not really good at it.

Yes, Blake story will be sad, but there is going to be happiness in it. Please enjoy it.

I have not thought of a cover for this story yet.

A Worthless Puppet(BoyxBoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant