the dark alley

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before I get home there is a dark alley I have to go thru, there is no other way around I call it the alley of the dead.growing up with the wrong role models, could lead you to believe in unrealistic life choices.
and the consequence of that is, you will become an antisocial person or an introverted individual. it will be difficult for you to click with other people and will most likely lead you thru the alleys of dead.
you will find yourself lonely, with ideas that only you can relate to and  expectations that only you can live up you have to walk everyday true the alley of dead that you will find yourself fighting, 
with bipolar disorder today you happy and full of ideas, but tomorrow you're miserable, suicidal, and broken. you will have to fight against high highs and low lows. if you manage to get out of it thing are far from over.
without notice depression will find it's way in.
and take you true the alley of dead. now you are fighting again, to stay afloat people will start to ask, are you ok, and you reply yes i am.knowing dam well that you aren't an now is the time that you will need them the most, but as an introvert is never easy to reach for help.

the dark alley turned in to your reality, day in an day out you have to go true the same alley.

when will it stop when will the light shine true?  

today you manage to hang on, but what about tomorrow, what about tomorrow!

today you manage to hang on, but what about tomorrow, what about tomorrow!

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one thing you should never forget is that you are not alone. you have that one friend that will gladly stay in touch with you if he knew, if only he knew. that's why you should not go true the alley alone look for a companion to carry you true the dark times, and hopefully, it will shine again sooner than later. 

please feel free to reply with your ordeal I would appreciate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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