chapter five

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"she did what?!" the next day at detention, the one and only conversation topic was how jinkyung whooped chaerin's ass just because chaerin called her 'menses-mode bitch' again. "and that hoe initiated that stupid-ass fight?" ahreum looked like she was out to kill.

"you should have seen how chaerin looked after the fight-she deserved the nosebleed." jaeseok rubbed his knuckles together as he glanced over at you doing your homework. "by the way, why's that person always doing homework??"

"i don't know, you ask y/n." hana stood up and all of them walked to your desk. "hey, y/n."

you looked up and saw hana, ahreum and two other boys you didn't know. "yes, hana-ssi?"

"jaeseok-oppa, you ask your question." she pushed jaeseok-one of the guys-beside you.

"uh...why do you always do homework here?" his voice was surprisingly deep, a twist from his supposedly-soft self.

"well, i got into here because i asked for a deadline extension...on my homework. then the teacher got pissed and sent me here, saying i could only do homework and nothing...nothing else." you struggled to keep your eyes on him, partially because he looked intimidating and also because you felt ahreum glaring at you.

"hey, what's new. our yeonjung got in here too because she asked for the same thing. rule one in chungyeol high school: never ask the teachers for an extension on homework deadlines-especially the bitchy teachers in the math major." ahreum sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"jeon ahreum, stop rolling your eyes. you're gonna get blind." you swore you almost saw the other guy try to smack ahreum's head.

"jaewon-hyung, let ahreum be." before the situation could get more tense, jaeseok put his hand on jaewon's head and whispered into jaewon's ear, as if they were real brothers who kept secrets.

"fine, only because you like ahreum anyway." that left you shook in your boots-the legendary jeon ahreum had an admirer in jaeseok?!

"wait, is this actually true?" you stood up from your desk and walked over to hana, who didn't seem at all pleased. "is it true that jaeseok likes ahreum?"

"bitch please, you never knew the truth?!" hana whispered into your ear. "the whole entire school knows jaeseok and ahreum have mutual feelings for each other. just don't tell that to ahreum-she said before that she wants to go solo for life." that made you snicker a bit loudly-maybe too loudly.

"what's so funny?" ahreum then looked at both you and hana, and you gulped down your saliva. how on earth did jaeseok start liking her?

"uh...nothing, ahreum-unnie. absolutely nothing." hana then walked back to her own seat, but before that she told you to not spill anything she said to you.

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