Chapter 1: Year Eight

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After the war in Harry's seventh year, Mcgonagall had decided that the students would be given the option to attend another year at Hogwarts, because of the education they had missed out on. Not many chose to do so, so Mcgonagall decided they would combine all of the houses into one, and give them their own tower. The only students in Harry's year who decided to come back were Harry, because he didn't want to leave Hogwarts, Ron, because he wasn't sure what he wanted to do yet, Hermione, because she thought it would look good on her resume, Draco Malfoy, because he couldn't stand being at home with just his mom after his father had been sent to Azkaban, and Pansy Parkinson, because she heard Draco was staying. Oh, and Blaise and Lavender both came back, because they were too dumb to get any jobs yet. They all only had one class a day, all together. Harry and Ron shared a room, Draco and Blaise shared a room, and Pansy, Hermione, and Lavender shared a room. Poor Hermione.

Throughout this year, Draco and Pansy had gotten closer, because there weren't many friends to choose from. Quite early on, Draco had confessed in Pansy that he was, in fact, gay. He didn't like anyone, as far as he knew, but Draco wanted someone to know. And he certainly wouldn't be confiding in Blaise anytime soon. Now, coincidentally, the same thing had happened with Harry and Hermione. He begged her not to tell Ron, because he was scared of how he might react. Harry knew deep down that Ron wouldn't really care, but he was frightened, as anyone coming out would be. The difference between the two, however, was that Harry did have a crush.

Ever since that night in their first year when Draco and Harry were forced into the Forbidden Forest together, Harry had feelings for Draco. He wasn't sure what they were at first, because the Dursleys were never the most accepting type, so he wasn't sure if it was even possible for two men to like each other. Harry tried to cover up his feelings by lashing out at Draco, and pretending to hate him, and, evidently, it worked. When Harry told Hermione about his feelings for Draco, she thought he was joking.

"Seriously? Draco?? After all he has done to you, you still have feelings for him?" She had whispered, as they sat close together in front of the fire.

"I don't know why. I keep trying to tell myself I hate him, and that he's just some mean old bastard who will never give two flying fucks about me, but I just can't help it. The way he smirks, and the way his eyes glimmer in the light, and-"

"Ok, ok, I get it. You like Draco." Hermione interrupted him. She shoved him playfully, and they hugged.

"I'm here for you if you ever need to talk, ok?" She whispered in his ear.

"Thank you." Harry responded, tears welling up in his eyes. He had never told anyone about his sexuality before, and expected her reaction to be much worse, even if it is Hermione.

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