Chapter 3: Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear

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"Hey Hermione! Got any clever ideas on how to pass the time?" She remained silent at first, when Pansy whispered something in her ear. Hermione's eyes lit up, and they both nodded vigorously. Hermione yelled back at Ron,

"What if we all play a game of Truth or dare, kiss or swear?" At this, Lavender pulled her mouth away from Blaise's, and said,

"What's that?" Coming from a more traditional family, she never played games like this growing up. Hermione responded,

"If you all agree I'll explain." At this Lavender shrugged and went back to snogging Blaise. "It involves kissing, Lavender." Hermione playfully shouted. Lavender once again pulled away from Blaise, nodding aggressively. Harry and Ron looked at each other and shrugged, thinking, 'How bad could it be?'. Draco, however, was doubtful.

"What's the point?" He inquired, looking at Hermione. She shrugged, smirking, and responded,

"I guess you'll have to find out." She had a huge grin plastered on her face, glancing between Harry and Draco. Draco, however didn't notice, because he was looking imploringly at Blaise, who had paused from kissing Lavender. He shrugged.

"C'mon, man. It's just a game. What else are we gonna do?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Alright. What do we do?" Ignoring him, Hermione quickly got up, followed by Pansy. She motioned for them to follow her, and slipped out of the eighth-year common room. Ron looked quizzically at Harry, but they both quickly followed suit. Blaise, Lavender and, reluctantly, Draco, followed too, wondering where Hermione would lead them. They quickly arrived - or so they thought. Hermione had stopped in front of a wall on the seventh floor, sneaking a smile at Harry, who instantly knew what she was planning.

"Why did we stop? Are we doing it in the hallway?" Blaise asked, looking confused. Hermione stood in front of the wall, and muttered,

"I need a room with lots of comfortable chairs in a circle." Almost instantly, large, ornate, iron doors appeared on the wall. They all looked up in amazement, for it had all been their first time at the Room of Requirements since last year. Hermione and Pansy dramatically opened the doors, and motioned for them all to go in. "Sit down somewhere," Hermione instructed. Once they were all seated, she began to explain the rules; "Ok, so it's basically truth or dare, but with an added twist. For truths, you have to take a sip of this bottle," She pulled a vial out of her robes, "Containing veritaserum. For 'kiss', the person daring you picks who you kiss, and for 'swear', the person makes you swear to do something. If you don't obey, you will start to physically hurt, so I recommend going with it." They all looked around awkwardly.

"Who's going first?" Pansy asked. Harry raised his hand.

"I'll go. Blaise, truth or dare, kiss or swear." He shifted so he was facing Blaise, and waited impatiently for a response.

"Dare," Blaise said confidently, smirking at Draco.

"Go ahead and sock Malfoy for me." Harry commanded, with a fake smile plastered on his face. Blaise widened his eyes, but felt his shoulder start to ache from his hesitation. He apologetically looked at Draco, before punching him in the ribs. Draco bent over, holding his abdomen.

"Why'd you have to go for the lungs?!" He yelled at Blaise, before slapping his arm away when he tried to comfort him. It was now Lavender's turn, for she sat next to Harry.

Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear - Drarryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن