1- Angel - part 1

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It was noon, too early for Jughead, too early to be listening to his sisters babbling nonsense, gossiping. Jellybean had become quite accustomed to gossiping, the town kept getting smaller and smaller and she was bored, the most riveting thing that ever happened in Riverdale was Cheryl Blossom coming back from Paris, or Milan or London, or wherever she was, for a five minute drop in call to what she calls "home". It was baffling to jughead how by the age of 21, Cheryl blossom had managed to become a world famous model, starred in two movies, and now has something stupid like six houses dotted around the globe that she doesn't live in. And it was funny, to think, they were almost friends.

Archie Andrews was a lawyer, nobody thought he could do it, but now he's the guy to call if you need a divorce. And he's good at it too. That was his understanding nature, he could understand two sides of a battling married couple fighting over who gets the kids, but he just couldn't understand why it was wrong to cheat on Veronica Lodge back in high school. It's ironic because she forgave him, married him at 18 in a big whirl wind, both families were upset about it, and now they're so close to divorce.

Ronnie was doing well too, in between here and New York City, she designs for everyone, she designed Kim Kardashian's shoes, and gushes about how much Kim loved them, and asked for a matching bag.

But Jughead, he wasn't going anywhere like all of his friends. It seemed time had stopped five years ago, and he felt like it was owed to him. He had a shitty life, lost something good and it sent him over the edge, the morals he encompassed fell out the window, and he turned into his dad pretty quickly.

"I'm telling you Jughead it looked just like her!" Jellybean babbled.

This baffled Jughead because he hadn't been listening for a good ten minutes now, and he was stumped.

"Looked like who?" He uttered shuffling around the kitchen making coffee and trying to shake his hangover.

"Betty Cooper, have you not been listening to me, I saw a woman on the train yesterday morning, and it looked so much like Betty it freaked me out, I mean she looked so sad, but I couldn't tell, it's been so long since I've saw her" she babbled, but Jugheads lungs had been vacuumed dry with the mention of her name.

"Betty cooper? In Riverdale?" He gasped.

"Well I don't know whether it was her, but it sure did look like her, she had this cap on too, like she didn't want to be seen" she mumbled taking the coffee out of Jugheads hands.

"Of course she doesn't want to be seen, that's why she disappeared at age 16, and how many times have I told you, she's not coming back, every blonde you see you think is Betts, Betty, anyway, you're doing my head in, move" he snarled at jelly bean pushing past her and into his room.

"Now what did we say monkey? Mommy's gonna find us a place to live, but for right now, your going to stay with your dad okay?" Betty cooper said standing in the alley way of the bar on the southside that her and Jughead used to sneak into as kids.

"What does he look like mommy? Is he kind? Will he let me watch baby shark before bed?" The 4 year old girl smiled excitedly.

"He's the kindest man I've ever met, your gonna love him monkey, when you see him, can you give him this for me?" She said passing the girl a letter.

"Okay, I'm going to see you in a little bit, I love you princess" she said kissing her daughters head.

He was surprised to see his girlfriend Toni, sat at the bar with a kid.

"I'm going to have to see some ID young lady" Jughead joked at the smiling girl in front of him. She had long dark curls and her eyes were so blue and so wide. Her skin was pale, and her pink tutu skirt and ballet pumps contrasted with the darkness of the bar.

"She's looking for her dad, just watch her a sec, I'm going to check the cameras and see who she came in with" Toni said pecking Jugheads cheek.

"Have you seen my dad, my mommy said I have to give him this when I find him" the girl said.

"Well What does he look like, I know a lot of guys around here" Jughead smiled at her opening a can of soda and pouring it into a glass with a straw for her.

"My mom said, my dad's the big boss, he's got black hair, and he's kind" she giggle as she drank the bubbles.

"Okay, so what's your moms name?" Jughead smiled at her wiping the droplets of soda she spilled.

"She doesn't let me call her this, I'm supposed to call her mom, but her names Elizabeth when's she's naughty, and Betty when she's being good , like when I'm naughty she says Forsythia Rose Cooper, What have I told you about drawing on the walls" the little girl said imitating her mother.

Jugheads throat was dry, and the resemblance between Betty and the girl was now strikingly clear.

"But don't worry, you don't have to call me forsythia, mommy and uncle Kevin call me angel" she smiled at Jughead who was looking, staring, searching the little girls eyes that were looking a lot like his.

"Can I see what you've got in your hand?" He said softly as the girl gave him the letter.

Dear Jug,
I never wanted it to be this way. But this is the only way for now. I'm sorry, I promise you I'll come back soon and explain it all. Her name is angel, and she looks more like you every day.

Love always, Betty x

"Are you my dad?" Angel said distracting him from the letter.

"You know what kid, I think I am" Jughead sighed leaning against the bar.

The little girl carried a small suitcase with her, it was small but it was too big for her, and she huffed and puffed as she dragged it along beside her, make a great deal of it too.

"Do you need some help with that?" Jughead said looking at her, he was now already quite a few feet in front of her.

"No Thankyou sir, I can do it all by myself, I'm a big girl" she said flicking her hair and walking past him, even though she had no idea where she was going.

"Angel, I'm your dad, you don't have to call me sir" he laughed as he crossed her over the road and into the trailer park.

"Well..." She said looking around as if she was distracted.

"You just call me Jughead Okay?" Jughead laughed as he lead her the way to his trailer.

"Okay Jughead" she giggled as if the name was ridiculous, asif she wasn't named after him.

"Where's your mom anyway?" Jughead said throwing his keys on the table and watching the little girl go and sit on the couches in his trailer.

"My naughty grandma Alice is always trying to take me away, so my mom can come back here I guess, mommy said she's sorting it, but her nasty boyfriend doesn't like that, so we ran away" she said laying her head on one of the couch cushions, looking rather sleepy.

"Your grandma Alice is quite a problem, she was in the olden days too" Jughead laughed and the little girl giggled.

"But why's your moms boyfriend nasty?" He asked her again as she took off her shoes and started to put them in her suitcase.

"He kisses my mom too much, and if she doesn't let him he hits her, she always says she just bumps her head, but I bump my head all the time and never get a sore eye because of it" angel yawned and lay her head back down.

Jughead felt physically sick, he knew what was going on, and that poor little girl didn't have a clue.

"I'm guessing you want a nap?" Jughead sighed, not saying more, he didn't want to worry the girl.

She nodded, reaching for the teddy out of her bag that Jughead recognised as the small dog that Betty always used to have lay out on her bed. And he watched the beautiful little girl fall asleep, he still couldn't believe that this was his daughter.

He lay and watched her sleep, stroked her hair and promised that he was going to find her mom.

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