Atem's Competition🥰💐😍💖 Seto's Competitor 😻🌹😘💋

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Isra and Qetesh stood next to Seto and Mokuba as Roland welcomed everyone and introduced each challenger by name "may I have your attention please? this day will go down in history for today begins the most prestigious Duel Monsters Tournament ever to be organized! welcome to the Kaiba Corp Grand Championship!"  Roland says "he always was good at that!"  Isra teases Qetesh nods with a hum and a smile in agreement as the duelists head up to the stage "we've circled the globe to bring you this all-star congregation of duelists first up.... the new boy wonder of dueling.... the prodigy that who's yet to be defeated the one the only.... leapin Leon Wilson!"   Leon smiles and waves to the crowd as his "name" is called "he's a mystery wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a bathrobe--- Fortune Salim!"  Roland announces a man in wizards robes with hood holding a crystal ball stares at the crowd with his hand raised above the crystal ball "and straight from the wild west please welcome the lone dealer-- Shane Jordan!"  Roland announces a man dressed like a "true" cowboy with a guitar strapped upon his back moves his hat from in front of his face to the top of his head and smiles.... it was a wonder that there wasn't any swooning from the "ladies" in the ballroom once they all got a good look at the boy.... "next it's the Siberian muscle-- Sergei Ivanoff!"   Roland announces a muscular man flexes his muscles at the crowd like it was a body building competition and not a dueling one "and always clued in to his opponents strategies it's the calm and collected super sleuth-- detective Paul McGregor!"  Roland announces a elder man with a mustache dressed as Sherlock Holmes tries to look cool but gets spooked by the next competitor and falls flat on his bum as Roland announces "and of course our very own wild child-- Abe the monkey man!"   a buck toothed manchild does a back flip as his monkey buddy jumps up and down excitedly "he extracts points from his opponents with surgical precision Dr Richard Goat!"  Roland announces a man dressed as though he's ready for an actual surgery takes a step forward with his gloved hands raised in front of him as his two nurses stand behind him "those poor girls!"  Qetesh whispers softly as Roland announces "next it's the master of magic cards-- the always debonair Balfry Ginger!"  a boy in a green suit with a cape on his back and a wand in his hand waves his wand making a puff of smoke appear before him and coughs as the smoke overtakes him "poor kid!"  Qetesh whispers softly and Isra chuckles softly as Roland announces "seeing isn't always believing just ask duel-lusionist-- Totani Ialos!"  a man wearing a pair of pointed shades in a yellow suit with a large red bow tie pops an egg out of his mouth then catches it in his hands and starts rubbing them together then opens them and a white pigeon/dove flies out of them "and the thunder from down under here to duel and plunder-- Ethan Shark!"  Roland announces a man with Wolverine style hair punches the air while trying to look totally bad ass.... and quite possibly failing who knows.... "he thinks therefore he is-- Jafar Shin!"  Roland announces an elder man in a toga robe sits with his hands in prayer formation on his knees "and don't be fooled by Vivian! this delicate flower packs quite a kick!"   Roland announces as a girl in a yellow qipao (also known as cheongsam) shows off some martial arts moves Isra tries to hold back a laugh and it comes out as a short scoff like chuckle Seto looks at her and she says while still trying not to laugh "sorry!"  he smiles at her and shakes his head as Roland announces "and of course the youngest regional champ-- Rebecca Hawkins!"  Rebecca rushes up to the front and soaks up the attention as though she was expecting a huge round of applause from the people watching as she holds her hands out in front of her with a grin and moves her body so that everyone can see her from one end of the room to the other then she and Vivian give one another the evil eye "next it's Joey Wheeler-- our overwhelming underdog!"  Roland announces both Qetesh and Isra burst out laughing as Joey does his best to show off as he says "ah yeah!"  then catches on to what Roland just called him and shouts "hey how 'bout a little respect?!"  Qetesh and Isra laughter grows Atem, Seto and Zigfried smile at the two women "and hailing from parts unknown the masked duelist Apdnarg Otum! (Apdnarg Otum is Grandpa Muto spelled backwards) Roland announces a masked man with very familiar purple eyes.... that were hidden.... though not very well hidden since everyone could see them.... and outfit holds up two peace sign hand gestures Qetesh and Isra say softly with confused surprised wonder in their tones "Solomon!?!"  Seto looks at the two of them with a confused expression on his face as they see a mischievous chuckle in the masked mans eyes "yep that's good ol' Sol!"  Qetesh teases playfully Atem who looked at the man with an odd expression on his face as he says with a confused tone "Apdnarg?!"  and Yugi asks "don't we know him?!"  also looked at the two girls when they softly said Solomon's name and he knew that his guess was correct as well "and our final challenger-- the always stylish Zigfried Lloyd!"  Roland announces "so much for "only having one rose"!"  Isra teasingly mutters under her breath as she watches Zigfried take the white rose he had pressed between his lips and tosses it towards her with a wink as he is being announced and she catches it.... to be "polite".... Seto narrows his eyes at Zigfried as a woman.... who is not Isra or Qetesh.... swoons at the sight of the man in the purple suit as Roland makes his final introduction "and our defending champion-- Yugi Moto!"  Atem takes a few steps forward and smiles at Isra and Qetesh as they bow before him as one would bow before a Pharaoh as Roland continues "whoever wins this sixteen duelist elimination competition will go on to face Yugi for the International Duel Monsters Championship crown! to ensure fair play match pairings will be randomly chosen by our computer just before every duel once again on behalf of the Kaiba Corporation I'd like to wish you all the best of luck you represent the top ranked duelists from across the globe.... but only one of you can be crowned World Champion!"....

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