Chapter 1

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Hey i'm new to wattpad and this is my first book. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

"Hello. Anyone home?" She must be sleep i think to myself. I walk in the kitchen to get a snack and there is a letter on the table. It says" Hey April. I went to the store. I'll be back in a few hours. MOM." "Somethings up." I think to myself." It doesn't take that much time for her to go to the store." I walk out the kitchen and turn off the light. "Dang it! I left my backpack in there." I turn around and there is a glow coming from the light.

I walk up to it and see handwriting. My MOM"S HANDWRITING!!! It said," April, i need help. I'm being held againist my will. Please find me." "I knew something wasn't write." i turn the light on. " What am I going to do. My mom is missing and left no details. I can't go to the police. They'll think I'm crazy cuz they won't be able to see the glowing handwriting. I have to find her on my own.

I will try to stay posted with new chapters at least once a week. I have other things to do during the week such as schoolwork. IF you like it, vote, become a fan, and tell your other wattpad friends.

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