Chapter 2

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I walk into my room and see a glow coming off my bed." Must be another note." i think to myself. I walk over to my bed and read it. It said "Hopefully you've seen the note in the kitchen. You probabaly have you are sucha forgetful child. I got the man who kidnapped me to tell me something. I think it's a code. He said 'Right, left, right. Turn around so you can see the light. Left right left. Look into the depths of it.' I', not sure if its where he's going to take me or maybe what he'll do to me. You are good at codes. I guess all that nonsense came in hand. I hear him coming back. Please find me. Frightened, MOM."

"Right left right. Turn around so you can see the light. Left right left look into the depths of it. I think its a code. I've heard or seen this before, but where? I think its where he has taken my mom. She's the most important person to me. I've gotta find her. She's smart. She has left me some clues... hopefully."

I went into my room, got my backpack, and filledl it up with all the money i've been savign for 2 years,plenty of water and food, my notebook, writing utentils, and was on my way. Where was i going exactly? Honestly, I don't know. All I know is... I'm going to go find my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2012 ⏰

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