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Tori finally finished packing all of her things for the trip. She shut her suitcase and took a look around. She would not miss the small and weird smelling college dorm that she called home for almost 2 years now. She couldn't wait to take a break from it all. School, work, the stresses of everyday life.

A honking horn brought her back. She pulled the suitcase off the bed and rolled it down the hall. She locked the door, getting into the taxi. It was an uneventful ride there. Tori got out and paid the driver, took out her suitcase and walked down to the dock. There was a small line, it was a pretty expensive cruise but Tori had gone all out, with a bit of help from her parents. She checked in, settled into her room and let a sigh out. It was refreshing, the ocean air, the clear blue sky, the feel of no worries. Tori decided to explore.

It wasn't long before she came upon the all you can eat buffet. In fact, it was a perk of her package that everything was pre paid. She felt her stomach growl. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stop by.

She walked into the enclosure and grabbed a plate, filling it with loads of food. Even if she did gain weight, she could always just work out a little more than usual. Tori sat down at a window table. And then she ate. She ate and ate and ate. Before she knew it, she had scarfed down her whole plate. Yet she was still hungry.

So she went back to the buffet and refilled her plate. She grabbed a bottle of Coca Cola as well. She ate all of the food almost quicker than the other plate. Yet she still felt hungry. Her stomach growled to emphasize that. By now though, her belly had swollen quite a bit. Nothing drastic, it just poked out maybe half and inch. This cycle of going back for more happened a few more times till she finally felt full. By then though, her stomach was rock hard and poked out a full inch and a half. She felt as if she had run a marathon, but she was just trying to fill her stomach. She instinctively massaged her stomach, as it made the pain go away. When she was finally able to move, she walked back over to her room and plopped down on the bed, her form sinking in.

In her mind, she told herself that she could pig out anywhere, that she should be viewing the ocean, but right now, she could care less. It was her vacation after all.

After that thought, she drifted to sleep.

Hey guys! Tilly here. Sorry for the short chapter, but I promise they will get longer.

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