
4K 16 8

Weight-100 lbs
Tori woke up a few hours later, her swollen belly had gone down. It was just about back to its original size, sticking out maybe a quarter of an inch. Her shorts were still loose, yet slightly tighter. She got up, still thinking how odd it was that she was so hungry earlier. Speaking of hungry, her stomach growled again. She found herself wandering back over to the buffet, where she grabbed two large plates this time, so she didn't have to get up again. There was a bigger line, it must've been around lunch now.

She picked a nice place on the side of the boat to sit, both to take in the view and to avoid the people inside. Tori preferred to pig out in somewhat privacy. As she ate she looked out over the ocean, seeing the coast in the distance. She was so glad that she was out there rather than her dorm. She finished her first plate, moving onto the second when someone bumped into her.

"Hey!" She said, a bit annoyed.

"Oh, uhm, sorry about that" She looked up to see who it was, a guy with curly mousy brown hair, hazel eyes and a thin frame. He was wearing a waiters outfit.

"Sorry, I was just, surprised..."Tori apologized, blushing slightly.

"Oh, well, do you need anything else ma'am?" He asked, holding his notepad at the ready.

"Uhm, Yes, actually. Can I get two more plates of one of each thing from the buffet?"

He looked a bit shocked, but he wrote it down,"Coming right up miss!"

While he was away, she finished up her second plate. She wasn't quite as hungry as earlier, but she was still very hungry. Her stomach once again stuck out half an inch, but it still growled.

He soon came back and said,"Here you go! You know, if you need,"He sheepishly looked to the side,"I could help feed you..."

Tori was bit surprised,"Okay, but I'd like to at least know your name first."

He pointed to his name tag which said,'Noah'

"Nice to meet you Noah, I'm Victoria, but please call me Tori"

He pulled the other empty chair closer until he was sitting right next to her

"That's a wonderful name" He said, stabbing a chunk of food with a fork.

He fed her it, and continued to do so until both new plates were finished. She then burped, sighing and panting. Her stomach stuck out almost 2 inches further than the beginning. He rubbed her belly and for a moment, Tori didn't care about any onlookers. She was just so stuffed to the brim.

"Want some more?"

Everything rational in her told Tori no, but Tori couldn't refuse the sweet look on his face and said,"Yes please..."

Noah smiled,"I'll bring you some dessert and a soda to drink"

Tori smiled at him and began to rub her belly herself. It lessened the pain and made some room for more of the food. He came back with one plate of deserts overflowing and a 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola. She gulped. Could she really fit all of this in?

"Open wide" Noah said, holding a brownie.

She obliged, immediately taking a sip of Coke afterwards. She did this after every treat that Noah fed her. Soon, it was all gone. There was still about half a plate of sweet treats left. She swallowed once more, but continued on.

Once he finished, if she didn't feel like she was going to burst before, she did now. She couldn't move, so she just sat there panting.

His hand reached over,"May I?"

She mumbled a yes. He began to rub circles into her almost rock hard beach ball belly. It relieved some pain and she was able to move a little again. After a little while, Noah checked his watch.

"Crap! I need to go!" He got up and hurriedly wrote down something on a napkin and then ran off. Tori picked up the napkin, reading it.

See you tonight? (XXX)XXX-XXX

She smiled, that was almost cute.

Tori decided she would go back to her room. She struggled to get up. Once she was standing, she walked over to her cabin. She collapsed onto her bed when something caught her eye.

A mini-fridge. She put it off for now, but maybe later. Currently she sat and added Noah's number to her phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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