chapter 25

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On the day of the wedding, things were quite hectic to say the least.

jimin spent half the morning, apologizing to his friends for just leaving without even so much as a goodbye or has some had said a farewell party. They weren't really angry at the fact that he

It was because he left without saying goodbye

He washed up and got dressed so by the time he was done with that it was already half pass one in the afternoon.

He was busy tying his shoes when he got a call from Jisoo

" hey" he greeted and she literally squealed

" are you excited, you're getting married yay I..I mean...what I meant was that we are getting married because I'm the bride and you're the groom" she nervously said

He raised his brow as he listened to how nervous she sounded

" what are you planning Missy" he said raising a brow

" how-wee what are you talking about, you need to stop being so suspicious about everything jimin..its not a good look on you "

" you're being awfully weird Jisoo, you're scaring me...anything you wanna tell me " he carefully asked.

"NO, NOTHING AT ALL" she screamed

" okay then I guess I'll see you the altar "

" yeah sure bye " she said and hung up.

"What just happened " he asked himself as he finished tying his laces ,not giving him a second chance to think before one of the guards came in telling him that they had sorted out the ride.

" I'll be there in a sec " jimin said caressing the finger that not too a long ago wore the promise ring jungkook had given him.

His heart ached when he remembered the last encounter he had with jungkook. Jungkook hadn't come looking for him, not even one call or text and that's exactly what jimin wanted...its what was right

' i did the right thing, didn't i'  he thought as he looked himself in the mirror before, he sighed before exiting the room at once .


The flight back to busan was an hour long, the most nerve racking hour of his life, the anticipation was killing him.

He got off the plane with an intent on getting jimin back and with that intent he walked with confidence.

As soon as he stepped out of the air port, he felt a familia sense of home, instinctively breathing in the air. He got in a cab and told the driver to drop him off at the five star hotel jimins reception was at.


"Okay so everything's set and are you sure he was on the plane by twelve thirty  " -jisoo asked sitting on her bed with her wedding dress

" of course and if my calculations are correct the flight is an hour and I doubt he'd waste any time going other places so trust me...his on his way to the hotel " -sasuke said running his fingers down a very naked Naruto's back

"Okay okay, I'm just a little worried I mean...its half pass one and his still not here" she stressed

"Don't worry Jisoo..but what I am curious about is why you've still got your wedding dress on, you're not even really getting married"- sasuke

" I know that adds in drama and besides, who doesn't love a good dress up party right " she said laughing

" I don't know how my brother deals with you, you're a little crazy" - sasuke

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