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"Dandelions are the most delicate of the pests, just like someone I know

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"Dandelions are the most delicate of the pests, just like someone I know."
He sank his long, pale fingers into the cool soil. Taking his time to fiddle with the satisfying, crumbly yet clay like consistency, an odd thing that gave him pleasure. He blindly searched for the root of the petty plant and when found, he tore it out of the ground and above his head. The strands of weeds hung limp, defeated. All but the single dandelion that stood tall and proud as the sun beaming on his face.
"Can I make wish?"
"As long as you don't blow it."
"But that's how the wish comes true."
"I don't want the seeds to scatter. Next thing you know an army of these shits will sprout in the yard."
"More wishes." She shrugged and reached for the plant in the man's hand who turned away and placed it in his trash bag.
"C'mon, Harry," she whined.
"Why don't you go make wishes in your own yard?"
"We don't get dandelions."
"Lucky," he scoffed and pulled out some crabgrass.
"Which is why I had to come over here and make my wishes. Dandelions grow like...well, like weeds on this lawn"
"I'm very aware," Harry mumbled and gestured to the thousands of dandelions around him.
"Be nice."
"Only if you get down here and help me pull these suckers out."
"Gardening with Harry. Is this really how I want to spend my Sunday?"
"Chrysanthemum, we both know you've got nowhere else to be." He handed her the black pair of gloves as he already claimed the pink ones. She sat on her knees and snagged them on to began playing tug-a-war with the pests.
"I've got homework."
"Waste of time."
Chrysanthemum nodded because frankly, he was right. She'd very much rather go back and forth with Harry over everything under the blaring sun than write a paper. And though he'd never admit it, Harry was content having the girl beside him and completing the tedious yet therapeutic task of weeding.
Chrysanthemum hummed a tune under her breath, taking breaks to tousle with a stubborn weed. The strands of the ugly flower would slip past her fingertips and she'd fall back on her bum and practically knock Harry over too.
"Sorry. You make it look so easy."
"That's because it is." He joked dryly, ripping out a cluster with ease. His sleeves were rolled up to his shoulder exposing his toned arms, sleek with sweat and various sketches of ink. Harry felt the girl watch him from behind in admiration with a sprinkle of jealousy and a hint of something unknown. Lust maybe? Possibly. Definitely, he decide when she rubbed her thighs together as her face flushed red. She bit her lip and turned her back around to continue working.
It was then Harry's turn to ogle, as he took a gulp of water from his bottle. The liquid wetting his dry tongue and dripping down his jawline and onto his white tee. He chugged the large steel bottle and watched her body sway and jiggle as she yanked and manipulated the dirt. Her brown skin soaked in the sunlight, causing her to glow.
"Fucking etheral," He whispered, rubbing his neck and licking his lips.
It had to be a sin to be that damn perfect.
"You say something?"
She turned and began crawling towards the garbage bag, her big chest bounced and threatened to spill out of her tube top with each of her movements.
Harry held the bag open for her and watched her drop the plants in.
"How much longer will this take?"
"You started like two minutes ago?"
"I don't know why I decided that was a good idea,"
She grabbed the water bottle and helped herself to sip, leaning her head back and arching her back as she guzzled the water.
He cleared his throat awkwardly and fumbled with his gardening tools as she finished off the bottle.
"You really don't have to do this ya know,"
He looked down, shy for the first time since he met the girl.
"What, are you tryna get rid of me?"
She playfully asked with a hint of seriousness from the sudden mood change.
"No! I like having you here. I just thought-never mind. You want some more water? You still look thirsty." Harry rose and grabbed the garbage bag.
"Um, okay. Yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll bring it out."
"I could just come in, if you don't mind. I need a break from the heat, and to use the bathroom."
The two awkwardly walked into the house, hearts racing. The air conditioner blasted cool air against their skin, a foreign feeling as they've been in the sun all morning. It felt good, refreshing. Harry directed her to the bathroom and Chrysanthemum followed the directions and made her way upstairs.
Harry tossed the bag into the bigger trash can and washed his hands to make the drinks.
With the intent on calming himself down he decided to take his sweet time making smoothies. He took out the abundance of fruit in his refrigerator and placed them onto the kitchen island in size and color order. He than rinsed each type one by one before placing them in neat lines on a cutting board. To distract himself he began slicing fruit as neatly as he could, though he planned to toss them into a blender with ice and yogurt.
He remembered Chrysanthemum once mentioned her fear of blackberries, because they reminded her water bugs when both were squashed. And so he took each berry and placed them one by one back into the packaging. The packaging was placed to the far back corner of his refrigerator. When he stuck his head out of the box he came face to face with the girl, causing him to jump back and slam the door entirely to hard.
"Touché." She slid onto one of the bar stools and rested her elbows on the granite.
"Making smoothies?"
"No, Lasagna." He quipped.
"Sounds delicious," She beamed a smile, her full lips stretched back to display her pearly whites which contrasted beautifully against her brown skin.
"Pretty," he admitted and sliced a strawberry
"Your smile, it's pretty."
"Oh, um. Thanks,"
He didn't reply but she knew she was welcome.
The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board was the only noise in the room for a few.
"I gotta ask,"
Harry dropped the knife against the wood and flattened his palm against it.
They both took deep breaths.
"Why the hell are you slicing fruit when you're just gonna blend it?"
One question out of many.
"I gotta clear my head."
"What's clogging it?"
He peeled his eyes from the scratched wood and met hers. Two big puddles of chocolate framed with curly lashes. Her eyes were almost too big for her chubby face and supple skin. Like a baby doll. Harry wanted to reach forward and cup her chin in his hand, brush the pad of his thumb against the freckles on her nose. But he couldn't.
Instead of responding he tossed the already slice fruit into the blender prepped with ice and fruit and pressed start. He prayed the obnoxious noise would distract her inquisitiveness. It was a cute trait if hers, really. But times like these he'd rather keeps his answers to himself. He glued his eyes to the pink matter swirling around the blender to the expense of the various fruits being brutally slaughtered by the razor. It's been a minute, the smoothie was sure as hell complete. But Harry continued blending for a another minute for good measure. He clicked the button and the noise came to a halt.
He poured the pink liquid into a mason jar and topped it of with a slice of pineapple on the rim.
"What's on your mind?"
Chrysanthemum grabbed the cold drink and pressed it against her lips. The tangy yet sweet taste caused her to moan a bit. It was so damn refreshing.
"I'm planning on how I'm going to arrange my daisy's."
"That's it?"
"No," he took a sip of his own drink.
"I need more mulch from the store. Come with?"
Chrysanthemum rolled her eyes at his white lies and slid off the stool to go towards the door.
"After you."
He held the door open for her and bit his lip as he watched her stroll pass.
So help me god.
A lil quick write.

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