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Rin bolted awake as his alarm went off for the fourth time, and he realized he was late. He threw on his uniform and grabbed his bag before running to the kitchen looking for something he can eat quickly. Kuro jumped up on the counter while Rin was muttering to himself.

"Oh man, Yukio's gonna kill me!"
Morning Rin!
"Hey Kuro, where have you been lately? Did you have any food?"
Don't worry about me Rin, besides It's a surprise for you! You've been sad lately so I thought I'd cheer you up!"

"Thanks buddy." Rin pet his head before turning and digging through the fridge.
"You hungry?"
Rin chuckled and grabbed a box of leftovers.
"We have to eat quickly today." Rin stated as they scarfed down the food. When they finished Rin threw the box in the sink and picked up Kuro.
"Wanna go to class with me?" Kuro smiled brightly and settled down in Rin's bag.

When Rin got to class he realized he still had about two minutes before he had to actually go inside the room.
"I'm not late today!" He cheered and stopped in front of the class.
Are you going in? Kuro asked and poked his head out of the bag.

"Well, I just don't want to be in there for longer then I have to. Cuz uh... It's boring!" Kuro seemed satisfied with his answer and layed back down. Rin glanced at a nearby clock, waiting until there were only ten seconds left before throwing open the door with a grin plastered on his face, announcing his presence.

"Ha! I'm not late today!" He yelled and ran to his seat in the back.
"Cutting it close, don't ya think?" Bon muttered from across the room and Rin sat down, pretending not to hear him.

"M- miss Kamiki, what are you doing!?" Shiemi stuttered and Rin looked up in surprise as the chair next to him was pulled out and Izumo sat down. Rin stared at her in surprise as she continued to ignore everyone's shock and hushed whispers. The class suddenly grew quiet as Yukio walked in.

After Yukio finished explaining the assignment they were to do, Rin turned to Izumo and whispered just loud enough to hear.
"So uh... why are you sitting over here?"
"Do I need a reason?"
"I- I guess not... but everyone is kinda-"
"Staring? Let them stare." Rin nodded and tried to pull his gaze away from everyone else. He could pick up the sound of a chair scraping against the floor before Shima was whispering over to Izumo.

"Do you like Okumura now or something?" He whispered as Rin flinched.
"I don't think this is any of your business." Izumo stated without looking up from her paper. Shima just wouldn't stop talking. Rin wasn't paying much attention to what was being said, but he was getting uncomfortable. It was times like these where he wished he had outed himself, but it wouldn't be worth it in the long run. Everyone hated him already, and they didn't need another reason.

Izumo sighed as she realized that Shima was going to keep talking.
"No Shima, you cannot copy my homework!" She spoke loudly and Rin had to stifle a laugh as Shima panicked.

"Shima focus on your own work please." Yukio sighed and Shima turned back around in embarrassment. Class went on calmly after that. Rin was getting bored when he felt Kuro paw at his pant leg from under the table. He bent down like he was tying his shoe as Kuro meowed excitedly. Rin tried to shush him and pet his head.

"What's wrong buddy, need something?" He whispered as Kuro said nothing before jumping on his lap, and laying down. Rin smiled and pet his ears.

"Just don't let Yukio see you." Kuro closed his eyes and began falling asleep.
"Did you really bring Kuro to class?" Izumo asked amused.
"It's not the first time." Rin chuckled as Kuro reached out in his sleep to paw at Rin's hand.
"Rin, could you stop talking. There are some people in here who actually want to learn." Yukio said as he glared at him. Rin tensed up but just nodded.

"Sorry, my bad." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. After that Yukio continued to pick on him for every little thing, and began to say some... well... hurtful things, but it wasn't like Rin wasn't used to it. He could tell Izumo was getting upset and he was silently hoping she wouldn't say anything.

At some point Rin looked behind him, mostly just so he could look away from everyone's glares. Sitting in the back of the room was Mephisto. Rin nearly choked and quickly turned back around. How has no one noticed him yet!? Rin ended up running out of the room as soon as class was over.

He walked back to his dorm with a fake smile on his face. He didn't want to think about it too much, but Yukio said some things that just hurt... in front of the whole class. It took everything Rin had in him to not break down in front of them. They all hated him anyways so he doesn't understand why he even tries anymore.

Rin hasn't checked, but he's pretty sure Mephisto is following him, which kind of messed up his plans for today. He started walking faster, but he still felt Mephisto's presence. "Just come out already Mephisto!" Rin yelled, agitated.

A little dog ran in front of him then a cloud of smoke appeared as Mephisto transformed.
"Extra." Rin mumbled as Mephisto smiled widely and bowed.
"Good evening Rin." Rin sighed and turned to walk around him.
"You know, what your brother said today was a bit uncalled for." Mephisto said as he walked, matching Rin's pace.
"Hadn't noticed." Rin grumbled and tried to move away from Mephisto, muttering under his breath.
"Did Izumo really have to tell you out of literally anyone else?"

"Hey Rin?"
"God damnit... WhAt!?"
"Mind if I look at your arms?" Rin froze in place and looked over at him.
"W-what?! Why w-would you want to-" Mephisto said nothing as he grabbed Rin's arm and pulled up his sleeve. Rin stood deathly still as he held his breath, grateful he put the concealer on his arms today.

Rin pulled his arm away from him and glared.
"So... can I go now?" Rin asked as he turned to walk away.
"Well, Amaimon was wanting to play with you today."
"Why? Doesn't he hate me?"
"Of course not. He just has his own way of showing affection." Rin sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Fine. Where is he anyway?" A little green hamster jumped off of Mephisto's shoulder as a cloud of smoke appeared. Kuro popped out of Rin's bag and hissed. Amaimon stood in front of them looking extremely excited. He looked back at Mephisto with pleading eyes and Mephisto nodded his head. Amaimon ran over to Rin and jumped, crushing him in a hug.
"Little brother!"

Rin struggled to keep from falling, but failed. Rin toppled over with Amaimon falling next to him.
"Ah shit!" Rin yelped as he struggled to sit up and held his head.

Amaimon nuzzled his head against Rin, and Rin swears he heard him purring.
"Nii San told me about what happened today... do you want me to kill them?" He asked in a creepily innocent voice.
"Wha- no! No it's alright." Rin smiled.

"I'll be checking in on you again soon."
Mephisto walked away leaving the two to find a place without any people. They walked around for a while in mostly silence. That was until Amaimon grew bored with the silence.

"Hey Rin?"
"You seem sad. Do you want some candy?"
"Oh uh, no I'm fine."
"I'll even make an exception just for you. See!" Amaimon held out a lollipop and looked up at Rin."
"It's the pink one which is my favorite." He placed it in Rin's hand who was looking at him slightly confused.
"Thank you?"

"Will you smile now?"
"I am smiling." Rin pointed out his smile as Amaimon frowned.
"It's not real. Nii san said that you're really sad, so I'm going cheer you up." He said as they entered the area Mephisto had given them. Rin smirked as they got into fighting positions. He could forget about his problems for a while, for Amaimon's sake.

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