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"So what did you want to talk about?" Rin asked as he walked around Bon to unlock the door.
"I just um... wanted to make sure you're ok."
"Huh? I'm fine."
"It's just, well you've been acting a little off lately I guess."

"I'm fine Bon. There's no need to worry." He pushed the door open then looked back at Bon.
"Oh uh, do you wanna come in?"
"N- no I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Ok, well see you tomorrow." Rin waved and went to shut the door.

"Wait!" Bon put his hand on the doorframe just as Rin was about to close the door.
"You can talk to me alright?"
"Sure Bon." He went to close the door.
"I also wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting lately. I've been a real jerk so uh... I'm sorry."
"I- it's fine. Goodbye Bon." Rin said again and Bon nodded, taking the hint to leave. He shut the door and walked into the kitchen, setting his bag down on the table and Kuro jumped out.

What was that all about?

"No idea bud." He sat down and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

You shut the door on him

"I- it got awkward!" He buried his now fully flushed face in his hands.

You should make snacks

Kuro commented and Rin laughed.
"Yeah snacks sound good." He stood up and stretched before walking around and looking at all the ingredients.
"What're you hungry for?"

You should make Sukiyaki!

Rin drooled a bit at the thought.
"Sukiyaki it is!"
"That's hardly a snack." A voice said from behind them.
"Oh, I didn't see you come home Yukio."
"I got here as soon as class was over."
"You must be hungry then, I'll make you some-"
"No need. I'm heading out on another mission."
"Well then let me pack you some dinner." Rin insisted as he began getting out ingredients. Yukio sighed but sat down anyway.

Yukio's not being a complete jerk right now... suspicious

"Don't say things like that." Rin chuckled.
"What's he saying?" Yukio asked.
"He's just talking trash about some of the neighborhood cats."

Was not!

"You have enemies Kuro?" Yukio laughed and Kuro huffed.
"You bet he does. He'll go on and on about the big fat tabby that hangs out by the girls dorm."

Ok BUT he gets fed by the girls every day and still claims all the prey in the territory like it's even his territory but news flash it's NOT! It's my territory and I've told him that so many times and he had the audacity to say that if I couldn't move him myself then he wasn't going anywhere but he's so FAT so how am I supposed to-

"Whoa, slow down there bud. You'll give yourself a headache." Kuro seemed to be radiating pure anger as Yukio looked on in shock.
"What... was all that?"
"Ranting on the fat cat."
"Kuro, why don't you just grow and simply pick him up?" Kuro stopped pacing and turned to face Yukio.


"He said you're a genius." Rin laughed as he finished up cooking.
"Sure you can't stay to eat?" Yukio looked thoughtful for a moment before checking his watch.
"I guess I have time to stay." Rin smiled and began setting the table.

"It's been so long since we had a family meal." He turned to Kuro and pointed at Yukio, "My baby brother just works so hard, he doesn't even get proper meals these days."
"We're like the same age." Yukio huffed. Rin ignored him.
"Thanks for helping Ukobach!"

Throughout dinner Rin made small talk with Yukio and Kuro joined in a few time though he was mostly preoccupied with food.

"How's work been? Did you go on any cool missions lately? Man I wish our class would get sent on another mission soon."
"Well Mephisto has a class mission planned a few months from now."
"Really?! That's great! I've been feeling so cooped up around here lately. What kind of mission is it?"
"He didn't really give me any details."
"Sounds just like Mephisto." Rin sighed and gave Kuro some of his food seeing that he was eyeing it.
"Hey, eat the vegetables too." Rin scolded.

But I don't like them, they taste green

"What? Ok well, you still have to eat them." Kuro pouted looked at his bowl with disinterest.

"Hey Rin?"
"How come you were with Amaimon earlier?"
"Oh, well Mephisto was kinda following me around and then said he wanted me to hang out with Amaimon to like train and stuff."
"You should keep your distance from him. He's dangerous."

"He's actually not that bad."
"Why does it matter who I'm hanging out with anyway?"
"Rin, he's a demon!" Rin leaned back in his chair.
"So what?!"
"So he's bad!"
"So all demons are bad now." Rin looked over at Kuro who was looking tense.

"No- that's not what I-"
"That's not what you meant. Then what did you mean. I'm a half demon too you know, but I'm sure you didn't forget about that."
"You know what, fine. Yes Rin he's a demon, and like most demons he's heartless and cruel and doesn't think twice about killing someone because he's bored and needs a plaything. They'll lie and manipulate you, make you think they're trustworthy then stab you in the back-"

"He's my brother!"
"Really? He's your brother now? You've never accepted Satan as your father, what changed that?"
"I'm not accepting him as-"
"That's exactly what you're doing Rin! The only connection you have with that fucking demon is through Satan, so unless you're actually proud to be Satan's bastard child you'll shut up about this brother shit!"

Yukio never cusses

Kuro growled and stood in front of Rin, ready to defend him.
"The Vatican already wants you dead Rin, don't give them another reason to kill you!"
"You always fucking try to use that against me. But you know what? I don't even give a shit anymore. Let them come fucking kill me if they want! Everyone's better off without Satan's bastard child aren't they?"

"No! Don't even start with that bullshit! Every fucking time you piss me off you just give some half-assed apology, you give me some fake concern then disappear for days! You're not even on a mission half the time! I know you just don't want to be around me, just say it to my fucking face instead of lying." It was silent as both twins stood fuming.

"What, got nothing to say? Did you only stay here just so you could have the chance to yell at me!?"
"Apparently I did."
"Have fun on your damn 'mission'." Rin walked past Yukio and towards the front door.
"C'mon Kuro." Kuro hissed at Yukio before running after Rin as he slammed the door.

Rin wiped his eyes as he stormed off, pulling out his phone he debated whether or not to call Izumo.

She won't be mad if you call

"Fuck I know but... I don't want to bother her." He took a deep breath and tried to push back the breakdown that was bound to happen.

If anything she'll just be mad that you didn't call

"You're right, you're usually right I just- god damnit!" He kicked a nearby tree. He leaned his head against it and sighed.
"Why do I always have to start shit?"

Yukio started it

"Yeah, but I turned it into an argument..."

I think it would've happened anyway so don't feel bad Rin.

He looked back down at his phone and sighed.
"I don't want to stay here tonight, but I can't exactly go to the girl's dorms."

You should ask if you can stay with Bon

"He doesn't need to see me cry because I got into an argument. I'm just... I'm gonna call Izumo and tell her what happened then we'll sleep in the trees."

"What's this about sleeping in trees now?" Rin jumped and turned around.

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