Chapter 4

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I do NOT own any characters or the book cover.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Enjoy! :D



“Sorry I’ll be back!” she shouted.

I waited till Elsa was gone. I got up and went over to night stand. I picked the picture up. I gasped at the image.

It was Elsa and me? Elsa was wearing a sky blue dress that went up to her knees. Her hair was in a braid on her left shoulder. She was smiling brightly. The boy beside her was wearing a light blue shirt with black pants every single detail about the boy looked like me. I kept staring at the picture, taking in every single detail, I couldn’t stop staring at it, why is it so familiar?

“Jack?” I heard behind me. I turned around to see Elsa at the doorway. Then all I heard was the sound of glass breaking and darkness took over.


“Let’s take a picture. Jack!” Elsa giggled, pulling me towards her father who had the camera in hand.

“Elsa, Jack! Let’s took a good picture. Ready 1, 2, 3” Mr. Arendelle said snapping the picture. I turned to Elsa.

"Come here." I told her moving towards the couch. She nodded and followed me.

"Yes, Jack?" She asked. I took a small box out of my pocket.

“Let’s be friends forever! Happy birthday Elsa!” I smiled handing her a box. She opened it eyes sparkling like the stars when she saw it.

“It’s beautiful, Jack!” She smiled, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back.

“It says: “Best Friends.”” I told her pointing to the golden charm bracelet.

“I know, I’m not dumb.” She laughed.

“Of course not, my little snowflake.” I smiled.

"Come on let's get some cake!!!" Elsa smiled pulling me towards the table.

-End of flashback-

“Jack!!! Please!!! Jack please don't do this. Jack wake up please!!!” I heard. I opened my eyes and saw a figure on top of me, it blurry but it soon cleared up. I looked up to see Elsa. Tears were staining her face, I started to sit up, wiping the tears from her face. She began to cry even more.

“Elsa?” I asked. She pulled me into a hug, to my surprise I hugged her back. Then I remembered what was lost for years. I was friends with Elsa. My little snowflake.

“Jack! Are you alright what happened??” Elsa asked worried, still crying. I could see fear, sadness, yet some hope in her eyes. 

“I think I remember you little Snowflake.” I said.

“What did you call me?” She gasped.


I started down the stairs. Worried that Anna might burn down the house with jack in it.

"Anna!!!" I shouted. Steping into the kitchen, I saw Anna with some burnt chicken, the kitchen counter was clean at least.

"Anna?? What happened?!?" I shouted. She placed the poor burnt chicken on the table.

"Well...I tried cooking dinner and I didn't notice the timer went off, so um....I burnt the chicken." Anna explained. I rolled my eyes.

"That's fine I'll just order some pizza. Pepperoni and Cheese??" I offered. Anna nodded.

"Thanks Els." I Anna smiled giving me a hug.

"Yeah. I'm doing everyone in this house a favour no one wants to eat burnt chicken." I teased. Anna rolled her eyes and skipped to her room.

I ran back upstairs and notice Jack by my nightstand, he was holding the picture of us.

"Jack?" I asked. He turned around, but the dropped the picture and fainted.

"Jack!!!" I screamed running towards him. I sat down beside him. Tears started falling down, I didn't know what to do? Should I call someone? Or I don't know.

"Jack!!! Wake up!!!" I started screaming.

"Jack!!! Please!!! Jack please don't do this. Jack wake up please!!!" I screamed even louder. What if Jack got his memory back? he couldn't have gotton his memory, it's been 8 years since Jack lost his memory it's almost impossible. But it could happen. I told myself.

I felt a cold hand on face, it was Jack's he's alive!!! I scream in head. I hugged him, never wanting to let go, to my suprise Jack hugged back. 

“Jack! Are you alright what happened??” I asked worried, still crying. I hope nothing bad happened. 

“I think I remember you little Snowflake.” Jack said wiping off my tears.

I gasped at what I heard. "Snowflake?" I haven't heard that name in years.

“What did you call me?”

"I..I think I remember you!!! Elsa Arendelle?? You were my best friend. I gave you that charm bracelet on your birthday and..." Jack kept babbling on. I sat there shocked at what was saying. He remember me.

"Jack. Do you actually remember me??" I asked.

"Y..yes. I do and I-" Jack began but his phone cut him off. I saw him texing someone, I didn't know.

"Um...sorry I got practice. Well um...see you tomorrow Snowflake." Jack smiled and headed out. I closed the door behind him.

"He remembers me. He called me Snowflake. He really remembers me." I whispered to myself. For the first time in forever I fell asleep in happiness. But what will tomorrow be like?? Will his friends hate him for being friends with me?? I asked myself.

Always By Your Side. (Modern AU Jelsa!!! COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz