Chapter 5

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I do NOT own any characters or the book cover.

Anyways I might not update for the next 2 days cause of school and homework :( I hope your enjoying the story!!! How am I doing??? Good?? Great?? Okay?? Bad?? Please let me know. :)




I woke up with a happy thought knowing that Jack is back to his old self. I turned to see the clock it read 7:23 AM. I reached for my glasses but nothing was there.

I started to panic not knowing where they were, then it hit me. They were broken. In class. I rushed towards the washroom drawer and started searching for some back up contacts my Aunt bought a few months ago.

After about 6 minutes of searching I finally found a pair. I slipped them on and rushed down stairs for breakfast. Where I found my aunt making some toast and a fruit salad.

"Eat up now, Elsa." Aunt Jessie smiled passing me the plate.

Anna and I never really liked our aunt very much, but she took care of us pretty well. Shes always at her boyfriends house every night, doing what ever they did. Sometimes she would come home drunk, so I always have Anna prepare incase we need to escape. I finished my breakfast and rushed upstairs almost knocking over Anna who just came down.

I went to the washroom and brush my teeth and washed my face. I entered my room and started picking out an outfit. After about 5 minutes I got the perfect outfit.

It was a pretty navy blue chiffon blouse, some black jeggings and some short brown boots. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and up some make up on. After I finished I looked at myself, I looked different today. I looked more confident. I got out a small box which handled the charm bracelet Jack gave me for my 6th birthday, it was beautiful it had a perfect snowflake ingraved on the back of the heart, I slipped it on and I rushed down stairs and waited for Anna in the car.

-At school-

We arrived at school and I headed off to my locker. I saw Jack with friends, but I didn't want any attention so I continued walking. Nothing really changed, but I got a few compliments from guys and received a few glares from girls, I did my best to ignore them. I got to locker and stuffed my binders in, when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.


"Jack wake up!!!" I heard my little sister Emma yelled beside me.

"Oww...Emma are you trying to me deaf??" I tease, getting up. She laughed and ran down stairs, I followed after her. When I reached the kitchen the smell of bacon and pancakes hit me face first. I saw Tooth stacking up some pancakes and bacon on a plate. Emma was seated in her seat as usual, with her brown hair up in a ponytail.

"Good Morning Jack. Eat up now, don't want to be late. Oh! Also I have to go right now for a short meeting. Bye take care of Emma" Tooth smiled and left. After I finished I headed upstairs and bursh my teeth. I went to room and wore what ever I could find. I went down stairs wearing a navy blue t-shirt and some beige jeans and converse. I got my back and waited for Emma in the car.

After a couple of minutes Emma came running in wearing a white sweatshirt, blue jeans and purple converse. Her hair was up in a ponytail.

"Ready to go??" I asked. Starting up the car.

"Yup!!" She smiled.

...At School...

"Hey Jackie!!!" I heard Jenna say. Jenna was the leader of the fan girls. I hated her. She was too clingy and wore too much make up on her face. I continued walking trying to ignore her.

"Jack!!! Do you like outfit?" Jenna smiled, jumping in front of me. She was wearing a hot pink cropped top and white shorts that were too short.

"Um...nah." I said and continued walking, leaving Jenna and her friends in shock. I meet up with my friends at our usual spot.

"Hey, check out the ice queen." One of them said pointing to Elsa. I turned to see Elsa, but she wasn't wearing her glasses?? She wore a chiffon blouse, jeans and boots. Elsa looked beautiful, I noticed myself getting redder. I turned around hoping my friends wouldn't see.

"Hold on. I'll be back." I said and left to find Elsa. I went to locker where I knew she would be. Today was going to be different Elsa, if my friend today. I went up to her and tipped her on the shoulder.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi, Jack. How's it going??" Elsa asked, grabbing a few things from her locker.

"Good. Hey can you tell me more about my past?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

"Sure. Meet me at my locker after school." She smiled.

"Um...Should we walk to Science, Snowflake." I smiled. She nodded and took my hand. I felt myself turn red. Why I am like this??


We started walking to Science. I felt happy having Jack back, I missed him. I heard a few whispers and got some glares from girls in the hallway. I ignored them the best I could. We went to classes and sat in our spots.

"Hey Jackie!! Why don't you come and sit with me, rather then this dork." A girl said, batting her fake lashes. I rolled my eyes.

"No, Jenna sorry. I'm with Elsa today." Jack smiled proudly. Jenna was shock but went back to her old self.

"Okay." She sighed and took the sat next to me.

When class started Jack and I kept passing notes to each other. Making weird jokes and laughing about how some girls cake their faces with make up. I finally felt like myself again. I miss Jack.

Jenna kept sending me death glares, but Jack told me not to think about it. Class finally came to an end. I sighed in relief. The next 2 classes were the same. Jenna and her girls kept giving me glares, one of them even sent a note saying to 'Back off of my Jack.'. But Jack kept me laughing, not wanting me to worry.


I started walking to Jack's locker where he told me to meet him. When someone pulled me into the janitors closet. It was Jenna and her gang.

"Look. You better back off of Jack. I don't know what you did to him. But back off." Jenna snapped, slapping me in the face. I touch my cheek and noticed it getting warmer by the minute.

"We're just friends. Trust me-" I began, but was soon slapped again by one of her friends.

"I don't think she's gets the point yet." Jenna smiled. Her eyes went down and landed on the charm bracelet. 'No. Please no' I thought, backing away.

"There, it is." She sighed, taking the charm bracelet.

"Give it ba-Ow...." I whisper, getting slapped again by her friends.

"Looks like the queen finally lost her royal touch." Jenna laughed, pocketing the bracelet. I felt the tears starting to pouring in. 'I had enough of this. All my life I have been bullied' I thought. I saw one of friends whisper something to her. I didn't know what it was, but I soon found out.

"Everything is better with Coke. Now back off of Jack." Jenna laughed pouring 2 cans of soda on my head. The room was now filled with laughter. I started to cry. 'Why me? I finally got Jack back, only to be bullied more.' I thought. The room soon grew quite. I looked up only to find Jack looking down at me.

"Snowflake?? What happened??"


Sorry if this chapter was a little rushed. Anyway hope you liked it!!! :D -Essie

Next Chapter is going to have some Jelsa moments, promise!!! XD 

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