Breathe For Me

9 2 0

Tw: panic attack, anxiety

They tell me to breathe

To count to ten

To calm my thoughts

To breathe deeply

Inhale for four

Hold for seven

Exhale for eight.

Name five things I see

Four things I feel

Three things I hear

Two things I smell

One thing I taste

The countless grounding techniques

With breathing techniques that hardly work

Through the long minutes of struggle

As panic settles into my chest

Weighing me down to the ground

And slowly suffocating me

Screaming into my mind that I will die

Die from the rapid beating of my heart

And the lightheadedness that drives

Me to the brink of madness

As my eyes scurry across the room

Searching frantically for a distraction






Desperate to stop the madness

Desperate to stop the rapid beating

Desperate to breathe!

To breathe deeply!

To subdue into tranquility

And fall into deep slumber

Without the racing heartbeats and hysteria flooding my veins

Clogging any and all rational thinking.

But the madness eventually ends

My breathing settles down along with my heart

Both returning back into a steady pace.

I take another breath and settle into my now calm state.

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