The plan

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I do not own Naruto
I ship Naruto and sasuke in future chapters there might be yaoi wink wink

Mystery persons pov

I walked into the guest bedroom Naruto currently occupied and saw him sitting up in the bed. "Good to see sleeping Beauties finally awake." I say teasingly. "Sasuke? Why am I in your house?" Naruto said with his hand on his head, as if he was frustrated. "Because I found you in a ally soaked in your own blood." I say with a little attitude. "Naruto, tell me what happened." I demanded. "Why should I tell, it's not like you care or anything!" "Off course I care, if I didn't I would have left you." Naruto looked at me lost, than he spoke. "It's the same old crap they've always done, bully's, the villagers, and shinobi have always beat, me cursed me, and have always looked at me with distasteful looks on there faces. They want me gone and I fully understand that." I was shocked I didn't know what to say. My best friend was in front of me sobbing, do I comfort him, leave the room, or ignore his obvious cry for help?

  3rd persons POV
    Sasuke walked up and sat next to him and pulled him into a warm embrace. Whispering things like "It's okay" and "I'm hear" but the next words he said surprised them both. "It's okay let's ditch this village together." Naruto stoped sobbing and looked at his friend. "You mean that you want to leave to?" Naruto question Sasuke who looked just as surprised as her was. "Y-yeah." Sasuke said somewhat nervous. "I don't like it here either, the villagers always pity me and girls always stalk me." They sat for a few seconds processing what they had just said to one another. "Naruto, would you like to run away with me." Sasuke asked but it sounded more like a statement or a demand. "If you need mor-YES, of course I'll go with you. Your my best friend and traveling with you would make it all the better!" Naruto said interrupting Sasuke. "Ok, I have a plan, sense we are off for a few days I have time to prepare and you have time to heal." The raven said. "Wait hold on we're are we going and why do I have to rest?" Said the blonde Beauty. "Naruto look at yourself, your orange and black cloths look more red because off you blood."  "I know but I heal fast, you off all people know that." Noruto said hopefulness dripping off his words. "UGH, fine but you have to take it easy, ok." Sasuke stated sternly. "Bit for now we need a plan."

Sasuke's POV
  I know this is probably going to be a bad idea, but it's the safest. The hokage might send ANBU after us. "Naruto, I know this sounds like a bad idea but I promise it's the safest." I tell Naruto and he doesn't seem to worried but the look he's giving me is telling me to continue "I think we should join the Akatsuki." I look at Naruto and he looks a little scared "Why?" He simply says "Because once we leave the fifth Hokage will probably send ANBU after us or other ninjas, but if we're with the Akatsuki she can't do anything because she doesn't know we're there hideout is, it's the safest place to be right now." I explain "O-okay, trust you but how do you now we're it is?" He asked me "When I was with Orochimaru I over heard him talking about the Akatsuki and what area of were they are, so I have a pretty good understanding of we're they are the fifth doesn't." "Ok so when do we leave?" "In two days, you need time to rest."

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