Go away.

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When I wake up I feel terrible. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I cried. I heard Melanie also cry. I came to her room. "I really liked Cameron, amd I thought he liked me to" said Melanie. I heard someone knocking at the door. "I'll get that." I opened the door. Carter and Cameron were standinh there. I almost slammed the door into their faces. "What's wrong? Why are you two here?" Cameron answered me. "Well uhm... You know last night... It's just... I feel terrible about last night okay. You and Melanie saw us kissing with Madison. It was our fault. It happened so fast... We didn' t know what we were doing. Could you and Melanie please forgive us? We couldn't sleep last night. We're so sorry." Melanie came downstairs. "What the hell are you two doing here?! It's 6 am. Why can' you just let us sleep?!" Melanie freaked out. "Go home okay. I don't wanna see you anymore. Bye Cam." "But Melanie.." "NO JUST GO AWAY FROM US OKAY?" She slammed the door into their faces. "Maybe we should go to Vanice Beach? Just tanning you know. Maybe we'll forget Cam and Carter. I agreed. "Should I ask Mahogany also to the beach? I really like her." "Sure." said Melanie. I went to Mahogany's house. She lives with Jacob. I didn't saw Jacob yesterday. "Morning Mahogany, I wanna ask if you wanna join me and Melanie? We're going to the beach." "Sure, but can Jacob also go with us?" I nodded. "I didn't saw Jacob yesterday. And I really want to meet him because I'm a huge fan." Mahogany laughed. "Jacob we're going to the beach! By the way come here. Our new neighbour want to meet you. She's a huge fan of you." Jacob came. I almost got a heart attack. "Can I touch you Jacob? "Sure, bae. You're funny." "Jacob I'm a huge fan of you. And I never touched you okay." He laughed. "Well, let's go to the beach!

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