Break up

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I was at Carter's house. But then Madison came. "Uhm Carter, you promissed to do homework with me huh?" "Yeah I know. Sorry Michelle. I'm gonna make homework with Madison. See you tonight?" "Ugh. okay. See you tonight." I went home. Why was Madison ALWAYS ruins my life? Why me? And why did Carter promissed her? I heard Melanie laughing. With Cam. And then I thought: CARTER THAT COULD BE US BUT YOU'RE PLAYING. I got angry and cried. But I was just a dumb ugly fangirl, like the others. But not all of the fangirls were ugly and dumb. "Michelle are you home? I thought you were with Carter?" "No he's making homework with Madison. I'm going upstairs." Carter texted me. 'Are you okay? I still care about you.' I ignored him. And then Madison texted me. How did she even know my number? 'Carter is mine. Stay away from him. He said he didn't like you. If you don't stay away from him, I will let the whole world know you're a whore. You know my parents are rich so I can do everything I want. Break up with Carter. You've got one day.' I cried. I have to break up with Carter. And I know what Madison can do. She is rich. And I was jealous. I went to Carter's house. Madison was still there. "Carter I'm breaking up with you. I'm not your girlfriend anymore." "What but..." "Bye." I saw Madison laughing. I went to Mahogany. And I wouldn't tell this to her. Madison texted me again. 'Great job. You did it well. Haha. It was so easy. Don't think you're done with me whore.' No. I don't wanna go to Mahogany. And not to my house. But I didn't knew the city well. I was scared I got lost or something. But I was going. I didn't care. Maybe was shopping good. I didn't wanna think of Carter. But when I was in a store someone screamed. "OMG THAT'S CARTER'S GIRLFRIEND" She ran to me. "Can you please tell Carter I love him? Thanks." They didn't know I broke up. Carter called me. "Michelle what's wrong with you. I only make homework with Madison and you freaks out. You broke up. I know you're jealous. But you're overreacting." I didn't know what to say. "Look, it's complicated okay. This is better for me and you. Both." "No it isn't complicated. And if it was, you would tell me. You're just jealous okay." I screamed to Carter. "YES IT'S COMPLICATED OKAY AND YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND." I hang up. Going home. Take a shower. And sleep. The next day I went to school. I couldn't decide what to wear. And I forgot doing my homework. Shit. My life was so fucked up. I saw Carter. He didn't even said hello. Melanie came to me. "Omg Michelle what happened? I didn't saw you last night and in the morning." "I broke up with Carter. And I don't wanna talk about it. But I said it to loud. Everyone heard it. They all asked why. And Madison was laughing. She was such a bitch. Carter was like what the fuck. The rest of the day I didn't talk to him. And he also didn't. Melanie texted me. 'Shopping today after school?' I texted her back. 'No I wanna go home and sleep.' The teacher yelled at me. "HEY. NO PHONES IN CLASSES. GIVE YOUR PHONE TO ME!" "Okay." School sucks. Ugh. Taylor came to me after school. "Are you okay? "I'm fine." "No you're not." "Just leave me alone." I was pissed. I went home. I didn't say it to Melanie. She freaked out. She cares about me. And I care about her. She was like my sister.

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