Mienai Tenshi

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      "This house is so boring." Mienai called out into the new, but very empty house. She had been left alone to unpack the almost castle like mansion on her own. Her parents who worked non stop and preteneded she didnt exsist were at, yes that's right you guessed it, work. They were rarely home to begin with, not that she minded at this point, still she was often lonely and bored. Roaming the many hallways, she found a door that was different from the many she had already passed. Glancing around, she studied the door, it was an electric almost glowing blue and it was shorter than normal doors. Infact this door was exactly her height. Not entirely sure Mienai could even find her way back she decided to open the door muttering a quiet, "To hell with it." As she opened the door and stepped inside.


     "Hey lady are you okay?!" Was all Mienai heard being screamed in her ear as she blinked away the darkness from her eyes. Groaning as she sat up and looking around, she noticed a few things that werent normal. Firstly, she had been laying on the ground passed out. Second, she was inside the last she could remember, not outside. And lastly everything looked strange as if drawn. She thought this must be a dream, that was until, she got the wind knocked out of her as the kid who had screamed at her originally had proceeded to jump on her after she took to long to reply.
She promptly shoved the kid off of her as she cought her breath.
"I was okay until you crushed me half to death" Mienai wheezed out to the kid.
Sheepishy the kid bowed and muttered an apology scratching the back of his neck as he rose. Getting ready to dart off down the street, Mienai called out to the kid,
"Hey where am i anyway kid?"
"How do you not know where you are?!" The kid practically freaked out, his eyes bulging from his head.
"Just tell me." Mienai snapped, her cheeks flushing red, embarrassed that she didn't know as she finally picked herself up off the ground. Calming down, the kid simply said, "Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village." Before finally taking off down the street.

     Mienai stood there shellshocked.
'He didn't just say.... No, he couldn't have... He did, I know I heard him right, but...' Suddenly she found herself giggling, she wasn't entirely sure why, but she was. Then, she was laughing as if she had just heard the funniest thing in the world with tears streaming down her face. She noticed the few people on this street had started staring, but she didnt care. After about 10 minutes of Mienai blubbering to herself, she finally sobered up and realized she had a few decisions to make if she truly was in Konoha.
'I should probably go see the hokage and I definitely wanna be a ninja. And I really need to think about if I want to change things or not... One thing at a time.'
As she finished piecing her thoughts together she headed towards this older lady, she was tending to some flowers outide of what appeared to be a gardening shop.
"Excuse me miss, I'm a little lost I'm visiting with my father we're merchants but i went exploring and he told me to meet him infrontof the hokage building because it would be easy to find but it's really not..." Mienai decided to make up a believable lie because she wasnt sure how to explain how she really got there to this poor old lady, however she needed directions. The lady was kind enough to tell her the way and right it down incase Mienai forgot. She thanked the woman and made a mental note that if the Hokage let her stay she would have to go back there sometime and properly thank her.

     With the old lady's directions, Mienai found the building she needed easily, without directions Mienai can't find anything. Approaching the building, she saw there were 2 men standing at the bottom of the stairs, wearing what she recognized as jonin uniforms but she didnt recognize them. Thinking to herself, 'They must've been extras that were never shown, like that old lady I asked directions from...'
"State your business please." The one on the left asked kindly. Mienai looked back and forth between the two for a moment as the one on the right glared at her. She stuttered for a momet as she answered, "C-could you please take me to see the hokage? I'm not really sure how to explain but i need his help please..." Trailing off towards the end she looked up at the 2 men as the assesed her threat level. After a few moments the two exchanged a few whispered words with each other, before the one on the left turned back to Mienai.
"Please walked ahead, we will take you to the hokage, however you may have to wait if he is busy." Mienai nodded, walking between the two men and up the stairs as they followed behind.

     Finally making it to the Hokage's office doors, one of the men knocked. After a moment a gravelly, but sound voice called out, "Come in." They opened the doors, Mienai walked in first. The Hokage laid his eyes upon Mienai, gasping, he dropped his pipe in shock. After dismissing his men, he asked the girl before him for her name, leaning forward as he did. It seemed he was waiting with much awaited anticipation for her name as if a simple name would be everything.
"Mienai Tenshi, sir." She replied, bowing with respect.
"As I thought. I've been waiting for you Mienai."               


Hope y'all enjoyed this intro!

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