Dialogue Prompt #4

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"Small fire! I said set a small fire! This is not small!" w/ Delsin Rowe

AN: The reader is a Conduit in this little drabble and I apologize for not being super creative with the reader's powers. When I finished writing this the reader sort of ended up having an avatar influence, the reader has elemental powers (specifically control over fire, water, and the earth). Regardless I hope you enjoy!

Okay you could see the cage from here corralling a bunch of innocent people and it was your goal to set them free. You thought that after Augustine went down and you were set free from Curdan Cay that the D.U.P. forces would have withered away but not even two months after the mass release of conduits, the D.U.P. were back at it. There was someone behind the scenes pulling all the strings and inciting mass hysteria among the people of Seattle. You weren't going to let that happen, the people of this city deserved to have a peace and the conduits of this city didn't deserve to be hunted down and caged.

Right now you were looking for someone, two someones actually; you were looking for your friends John and Rose that you met during your time in Curdan Cay. The three of you had been in constant communication but a few days ago John called you in a panic saying that the D.U.P. found them and they were running out of places to hide. And then nothing, you lost all communication with John and Rose, which led you to your current predicament, stalking each new D.U.P. encampment that popped up and freeing their victims.

Thankfully you didn't have to do this completely alone you had an old friend to help you bring down the D.U.P. and considering that he had done it once before he was probably the closest thing to an expert that you had. You heard someone walking up behind you and someone threw their arm around your shoulder, "So what's the plan?"

You smiled and turned toward him, "Hey, Delsin. Thanks for coming. There are two cages full of people but I can't see if John and Rose are down there so I need to get closer. Trouble is the place is crawling with D.U.P. so I kind of need your help to distract them while I go and free those people."

Delsin sighed, "Okay, there are at least twenty soldiers down there... How about we go Dutch? You take one half and I'll take the other."

You smiled, "Fine... but you take those two brutes down there while I free those innocent people down there in those cages."

Delsin groaned, "Y/N, come on both of them? How am supposed to distract both of them?"

You gave him a playful pat on the back, "Since you took some of my power my don't you flood them, maybe set a small fire, or you could even cause a little earthquake."

Delsin whirled around to face you, "Hey, I didn't know you were a conduit. Give me a break, Y/N; I hadn't seen you in like a year and a half. I didn't mean to snag some of your powers."

You chuckled, "Relax Delsin! I'm just messing with you... no harm done. Now let's get this show on the road." And with that you jumped down from the building where you were hiding and you made your way over to the cages. You were easily able to sneak up on the soldiers and quickly subdue them with your ability to control the Earth made it easy to shackle the soldiers to the ground.

Once all of the soldiers were down you quickly made your way over to the first cage and with a little conjured fire you were able to melt the lock and rip the door off its hinges. You helped all of the citizens out to safety but there was no sign of John or Rose. There was however a second cage and you had just ripped the door of its hinges when there was a huge explosion coming from where Delsin was. You panicked and took off running in the direction of the explosion.

Everything was on fire and there were passed out soldiers everywhere and then a couple of feet away Delsin was lying passed out on the concrete. You ran over to him and started shaking his shoulders, "Oh my god, Delsin, wake up!" You kept shaking his shoulders until he eventually gave a weak cough and opened his eyes. You gave a sigh of relief and pulled him into a tight hug, "Small fire! I said set a small fire! This is not small..."

He laughed and hugged you back, "Yeah, my bad I didn't see the tanks of gasoline..."

You laughed mostly out of relief, "God you idiot... You scared the shit out of me. Don't do that again."

You helped him up, "Agreed, did you find your friends?"

You shook your head and sighed, "No. I got everyone out but they weren't here. That's okay though... I'm just glad you're all right."

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