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The following day at school wasn’t so bad, there was no awkwardness because Summer wasn’t in school, and no jerks to deal with because Zac wasn’t either. He didn't ask about any of them because he didn't want people assuming things. His mates welcomed him warmly and actually made him feel loved. The girls made DIY cards and gave him nice presents which he appreciated genuinely. He noticed Luis was a bit distant, he walked up to him during lunch time and sat with him.

"Mind filling me in on what went down when I was gone?" Kuzo said. Luis looked happy he had approached him.

"Well nothing much, we didn't write any tests because you were away and that was a good thing, I think that is why everyone is nice to you" Luis said and Kuzo chuckled.

"I guess, feels weird though"

"Heard from Summer?" Luis asked and Kuzo began to feel uneasy.

"No, why?"

"Oh, nothing, thought she's called you"

"Why would she want to call me?"

"Well it sure does look like she likes you, not that I know much about stuff like that but she and her boyfriend, Cedric aren't really so much on talking terms"

"And I don't suppose she told you that" Kuzo found it odd that he knew all these things.

"You should talk to her when she gets back from Washington, she's been down since you were away"

"Washington, what's she doing in Washington"

"Oh, she and Zac were chosen for a Robotics science fair"

"Zac! he said with utter dismay…… you're telling me the school chose Zac or he bought his way through"

"I don't know man but after what he did to you, we all thought he was gonna get expelled"

"People like Zac don't get expelled, their stupidity however gets them dead" Kuzo whispered and Luis giggled.

Kuzo now understood why she was with Zac that day at his mother's shop.

It warmed his heart. The thought made him smile.


School had been over for hours but Kuzo stayed behind in the library, reading. He just loved to trace history and now he was in it, he was more than glad to find out as much as he could.

He stayed there till everyone left.

"Good heavens, I almost locked you in if I hadn't gone for a round check a second time, we're closing in two minutes, you could take that home with you if you want, just sign in"

"Ummm, I'm pretty much done Mrs. Henshaw thanks" He said to the librarian, she smiled.

"Heard what happened, hope you're much better now dear"

"I am, thanks, you take care of yourself huh, senior year is tough"

Kuzo wondered how she knew so much about him, was he that popular. That was exactly what his mom had warned him about, get noticed.

"Thanks" He said respectfully and stood up with the book. He stacked it back where he had taken it from, grabbed his stuff and headed for the exit, he said bye to the elderly woman. On his way out he passed his classroom and realized Mr. Cordin was in class. He had his head on the table and sheets of paper covering the table.

Kuzo walked in.

"Mr. Cordin?" He said. But the man didn't move. Kuzo frowned and walked closer, he intended to check his pulse but then he heard him snore. He was only asleep. Kuzo picked up a sheet of paper and stared at it and then he looked down at Mr. Cordin.

"There's something not right here" He picked up a piece of chalk and walked to the board, and then he started off from the step that was wrong and calculated all the way up to the bottom. When the chalkboard wasn’t large enough, he continued on the walls till half of the chalk in the box was gone.

"Done!, there, that should give you a place to sleep"

Kuzo picked up the bag he had dropped and then walked out. He found the caretaker who was almost locking up.

"What are you doing here, at this time, it's pretty late"

"Assignments, I just lost track of the time, sorry, will be on my way now" Kuzo said and walked out. It was dark outside, he checked the time, it was somewhere around nine. He took his phone, so many missed calls from his mother.

"Damn, I forgot to turn off the silent mode" He called back, his mother answered.

"Where on earth are you Kuzo"

"On my way home"

"Don't scare me like that, your father called and he wanted to speak to you, get home quick"

"is something wrong?" His mother sounded worried.

"Just get home okay"

"On my way" He ended the call and skated home.

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