Chapter 17.

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Belly's Pov!

"Belly get me some ketchup." Louis demanded. He wants some ketchup? Oh, he'll get some ketchup. I stood up from the table on the bus, and walked to fridge. I got out the ketchup bottle, and walked over to Louis. I opened the cap and stood  right infront of him.

"Louis you wanted some ketchup yeah?" He looked up, and I quirted the ketchup in his face. He let out the loudest, most girlest scream I have ever heard from a guy. Liam, Zayn, and Niall came running out to the table. Harry and Darbi were probably sucking face somewhere.

When Liam, Zayn, and Niall saw Louis covered in ketchup, and me holding the bottle, they bursted out laughing.

"Did you demand her to do something?" Liam questioned Louis with a knowing look.

"Sadly, yes." Louis said while laughing.

"You should know not to demand me to do things. I don't do well with people demanding me to do things." Liam then took the ketchup bottle, shut the cap, and put it away.

"Louis go get cleaned up, and Belly . . . go find Darbi and Harry, and tell Harry we need to discuss about a hotel." I walked away kind of scared to what I would find when I found them. I walked into the bunk areas, and there they were. They were both topless, and Harry was ontop of Darbi. Talk about an awkward way to find your cousin. I cleared my throught, they didn't hear me.

"PEACOCK!!!!" They jumped apart, their eyes were wide and both were blushing.

"Guys get dressed, Harry Liam needs to see you because you guys need to talk about a hotel."

"Ok" They both said. Once they were both dressed, and Harry had left, Darbi and I were sitting on the floor going threw the songs on my iPhone.

"Darbi we need to sing Peacock!!" She agreed, and then I set my phone up on the dock, and hit play.

We both sang.

I wanna see you peacock, cock, cock

You peacock, cock

You peacock, cock, cock

You peacock

I wanna see you peacock, cock, cock

You peacock, cock

You peacock, cock, cock

You peacock

I sang this part.

Word on the street, you got somethin' to show me, me

Magical, colorful, Mr. Mystery, ee

I'm intrigued, for a peek, heard it's fascinating

Come on baby let me see

Whatchu hidin' underneath

What's up your sleeve

Such a tease

Wanna see the show

In 3D, a movie

Heard it's beautiful

Be the judge

And my girls gonna take a vote

Come on baby let me see

Whatchu hidin' underneath

Darbi sang.

I want the jaw droppin', eye poppin', head turnin', body shockin'

(Uh, e, e, uh, uh, uh, e, e, uh)

Carrots.... really? ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora