Chapter One

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The well-known beeping from the side of my night stand started to go off. Great. Looking over to the side table my clock reads it 7:30 in the piercing red light. 15 minutes to get ready. Hmm looks like I'm going to start at the new school with a tardy already. Quickly I jumped into shower washing my body to smell like vanilla. Soon I pulled out a yellow off the shoulder top with denim high waisted shorts.

Walking down stairs I grabbed my keys as well as my soccer bag. Hopping into the black mustang I pulled out of the drive way and almost crashed into the neighbors' car which was also pulling out. Looking at the car I noticed the driver was about my age and probably going to school as well. I waved for him to go first because my mother taught me manners. The boy eventually drove off and I pulled up google maps to find the directions to the high school.

30 minutes late for school not bad. Better to show up now than never. Walking into school I was overwhelmed with green, black, and white colors. This would be considered enemy territory right now if I still went to my old school. Fit in and don't be noticed. I remind myself. My mother made the right choice of taking the new job that has a much higher salary. I still live close to my friends while mother lives right next her work place. As I walk into the main office an old lady greets me and hands me my schedule. First period Chemistry Second Period Calculus Third Period English Fourth Period Gym. After I was done reading my schedule I asked where soccer tryouts were taking place. She looked at me confused "Didn't you hear the girl's soccer team fell apart. No funding was going there." First my friends and now soccer. That is not going to happen. "What about the boy's soccer team?" I asked her. I had played club soccer with boys before so it's not anything new. "The boy's team is still having try-outs today on the football field." Well it looks like it is going to be harder to fit in. After walking around the school for a while I found my chemistry class. 

W303... Who the heck puts a direction in an inside building? Looking around I see that I'm not the only one going to be late as I see a lengthy boy walking down the hall.

"Hey" the tall boy told me

"Oh, hi" I said in return.

"So you're the new kid from North"

"Yeah, how did you know that"

"Honey, I know everyone and everyone knows me"

"Well if you know everything where is class w303"

"Ahh Chemistry with Mr. Miller is down the hall and the last class on the left"

"Thank you,"

"Jason Popper"

Jason Popper I have a feeling that he is going to be a little bitch in the future. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Screw that I'll just keep my mother close.

Finally, arriving to Chem everyone's eyes were on me as I opened up the door. Boys were giving me lustful glares while the girls acted jealous. Honestly I don't know whats going on in their head. I've never gotten this attention before. Walking towards Mr. Miller I felt the guys stare at my butt.

"Jess Winters how nice of you to show up" Mr Miller beamed

"Sorry I just got lost in the halls" I replied monotone

"Very well, then tell us about yourself"

"Ahh there's not much to know"

"Nonsense, everyone has a story"

"Okay well... I enjoy going to the city and playing soccer"

I instantly regret saying I like to play soccer. No one has to know me only one year left.

"Well Winter's nice getting to know you have a seat next to Brady"

Looking for Brady, I noticed a toned guy in the back raising his hand up in the air.

Dang he is good-looking. Brady defiantly has some abs under there. YUM.

"If you take a picture the image will last longer"


Calmly I replied "Nope just looking at the ketchup stain on your shirt"

His attitude changed into an angry expression. Well this should be fun.

"Babe at least I have a soccer team to play on"

He knew that this would get me made, so I have to turn the tables around. I began to flutter my eyelashes and place my hand high on his leg. He inhaled a sharp breath as he looked at me.

"Baby, I was just thinking maybe I could be the team assistant and help you boys out" I whispered in a low sexy voice.

Now my hand was touching his dick as I felt a bulge growing.

"Well I'm sure you can help me out in the bathroom right now" He said lustful.

OMG this is too funny. I am about to laugh he needs to leave.

"How about I meet you in the bathroom in five minutes" I asked him

"Okay sounds good, Mr. Miller may I go to the bathroom" Brady asked with giving an innocent smile.

"Of course, next time you dont have to ask me" Mr. Miller responded

As soon as Brady left I began smiling to myself. He will be standing in there for a long time. Only 10 more minutes till this period is over. HAHAHAHA. Bad ass bitch me. Looking over my schedule I still have calculus, english, and gym to go. As the bell rung for passing period, calculus was next. Calculus was easy to find and went by fast. Now it was lunchtime.

This will be my downfall of keeping it on the low. Looking around the inside cafeteria I decide going out to the courtyard will be my best choice. I found a safe spot underneath a tree away from the crowd. I began to read over my assigned English book when all of a sudden I heard a cough looking up to see who it was it turned out to be Jason.

"What do you want Jason" I asked

"I am here to propose a deal" He said

"Why would I want a deal" Quirking my eyebrow

"The real question should be why wouldn't you want a deal with me" Jason retorted

HEYO! This is my first book out here. 

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Question of the chapter: What city are you from?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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