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With an order not to go far, she made her way down the dunes to the clearing of portals, she needed to know more about the…things. As she neared, uncertainty swelled in her heart, what if the portals took her from Letus? What if she could never return here? To her home, her family. She realized, shock racing down her spine like a cheetah. Letus was her brother. Her last shard of family. The only member of her family she would ever meet.

“Childish fears” she hissed at herself, “quit being a worrywort.” But the fear and unrelenting and the neverending terror engulfed her, drowning her in their void.  

Braving a step toward the unrelenting, malicious portal she felt her stomach turn. Life was evil. She pitied the living, she realized as she stared at the daunting portal mere pawsteps away.

With a deep calm breath that pushed back against the rising tide of nerves, she levitated and entered the realm of the living once again.

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