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As she passed through the threshold she felt the familiar electricity and pain snake up her body and heard a whisper of a breath breathe in her ear. Do not let the cat of flames live, it will cause you to fade forever. Heart pounding with uncertainty and fear, she closed her eyes. Why had it been her? Why had she been chosen to become the next bringer of death? Why did she have to be the one to make difficult decisions and choices, couldn't whoever had chosen her, chose someone else? Why was she so important?

Suddenly she appeared in a realm so similar to that of the dead that she thought the portal had been broken. Was she trapped here? Thoughts in the clouds she did not notice the unconscious queen with a newborn kit laying at her stomach. A prophecy rang in her head, a warning, not to let the ginger cat of flames live. But looking at the small auburn bundle laying by it's mother's belly she couldn't. This cat was destined to live, even if it meant her own destruction. Even if it meant the destruction of the world.

Lost in thought she barely noticed the dark ruddy brown tom that had pushed his way in. Filling the den with an air of evil cruelty that twisted her heart. She knew the cat of flames would become close to this cat, love him like a brother from now till the day the cat of flames died. She knew this auburn bundle would risk her life for the cat of hate and evil so pure it even terrified her. Death.

“Cruelfate’s Awake!” the tom purred his lips peeling back to reveal bloodstained teeth.She knew his name she realized as she stared at him, Harshclaw, fitting. Her powers of death had grown. She thought as she stared at the muscular tom. Suddenly she felt. No she sensed the ginger cat move.

“Shush Harshclaw, she's just waking up.” she whispered, wrapping her spectral tail around the ginger kit, a protective barrier between the rising evil and the innocent kit. The kit that could change the future of many by her choices, and she knew, with dread raising from the depths of her stomach, she knew the kit would choose wrong. It would have been kinder to kill her. She thought, regret for not taking this kit of a fiery heart with her to Letus…This kit reminded her of Letus. She realized, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.  

“Aww, come on, I want to play with her.” Harshclaw snapped.

Distracted she didn't notice that the kit had wormed out of her protection and had stood and was facing the brutal tom. She truly did have a heart of pure flames, flames that burned brighter with each passing minute.

“That is enough Harshclaw! The poor kit is frightened already, don't make it worse.” She retorted. Tail lashing, Harshclaw left.

“Are you alright?” she purred, licking the little kit's head gently.

“I'm so sorry you have to live this life.” she whispered and disappeared. The prophecy had became complete. The cat of flames would live.

Born DeadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang