Chapter one

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Hello everyone!! First of all I don´t own any of the characters in this story only Sophie. This is my first story ever, so yeah i´m nervous of what the future holds jaja. Thank you a lot for reading this, and some feedback will be lovely(:

Chapter one

 Since you won the Best Designers Award last summer your life has been chaos; full of meetings, designing, runways, interviews and much more. Just now people started recognizing you on the streets, at first it was a bit scary, but now you just felt grateful knowing that people actually loved your work and even compared your brand with those of the best designers.

Today was by far the longest day of the week. Waking up at 5 and arriving home at 8. How you missed your old life sometimes! Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone going off.

“Hannah!!” you almost screamed into the phone. “Well hello there to you too”. Your best friend answered. “You know I have every right to talk to you like this Hannah, since we haven’t talk for almost two weeks, and we both know I’m the busy one here”.

“You’re totally right Sophie, and about that... may I  go to yours now? I have something to tell you”. This made you speechless, the last time you heard Hannah talking with a serious tone was a long while ago. “Sure, you don’t even have to ask”.

Ten minutes later you were both sitting on the living room. “Please Hannah, just spit it, I know something is happening judging by the look you have”. “Alright, alright!! But before I tell you promise me you won’t be angry at me, I know we tell each other everything, but this time the circumstances are a bit different...”

“Hannah, you stopped her mid sentence, just tell me, yes? I won’t be mad I promise, but stop going around the bush”.  “You’re right darling, I’m sorry. Well remember the other day I told you about that man I was dating? Well we are kind of serious now. And his true name is Ben not Robert”.

“Stop. Why did you lie to me about his name? And why are you serious with him without me knowing anything about that?” Gosh this isn’t Hannah at all. You don’t know how to react mad or surprised.  

“Before you say anything else hear my explanation. I dint tell you his real name because he is famous. I’m sure you know him, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Holmes?? Anyway I kept this relationship in secret for his own sake, but now I’m confident I can tell you. He knows everything about you and wants to meet you! And since hi´s throwing a party next Saturday you are more than welcome to come, his words. You can actually bring Jake!”

Mad. Either your best friend went mad, or she is telling the true, and she is dating no other than Sherlock (sorry but that was the first thing that came to your mind at the mention of his name). “You’re kidding me” was the only thing that came to your mouth. “off curse I’m not! Here, check my phone´s wallpaper”. And there they were, smiling to the camera. “Oh my god!! You’re telling the true Hannah!!

“I already told you Soph”. How you wanted to take that smirk off her face, but come on, anyone on her situation will probably have the same look. “How did you even met a guy like that”? you asked Hannah.

“I must really be going by now Sophie, but long story short: he bought a house of mine for a friend. And well you know how love works... but before I leave, tell me you are going to his party. Go with Jake, for I believe there will be many couples. And who knows, maybe you´ll meet another charming celebrity...”

“I wouldn’t miss that for the world” you answered with a big smile.

so that was the first chapter!! What do you think?? Right know I´m working on the next ones, hope I finish the next two today (too optimist?). Just for you to know this will probably be a long story jaja

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