chapter four

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The next morning the first tough that came to your mind was Tom. That man definitely had something, and if you weren´t with Jake, falling in love with Thomas will be as easy as burning your morning toast.

But things didn’t work that way. You were in love with Jake and you were not ready to live with the life style of a celebrity, you could barely live with yours this days. Therefore you stopped that train of thoughts, before something bad happens.

The rest of the day went pretty fast, with only a fifteen minute break for lunch. And before you even realize you were at the airport with the rest of the team. And now that you had nothing else to do, the thoughts of what was about to happen in Milan stroked you.

This was going to be your first runway, sure you have gone to others, but not with your cloths. And that small difference almost make you run to the bathroom.  God how nervous you were!! In normal circumstances you would talk with Hannah or Jake, but for a strange reason the person that came to you mind was Tom. And before you could control yourself you were already texting him.

Hey, how´s Milan treating you?


As you were sitting next to a rather fat guy in the plane (yes this was one of those moments were you regret giving your first class seat to another person, in this case Susannah, your assistant), you received a text notification.

Very good! It’s so nice in here, and the food molto squisita!! Are you here yet??



Italian food, yes! Thank god Tom reminded you of the advantages of this trip.

Not yet. I’m currently on the plane, seated next to a man that won’t let me see the window :( By the way thanks for reminding me about food, I was actually having a hard time thinking of tomorrow´s event…



I´m so sorry to hear that darling. At least I’m happy that my comment made you happy. Talking about food, how about we have lunch tomorrow? And don´t worry about the runway I know it will be amazing, just like you(:



Lunch with Tom… just the thought of that made you smile. You didn’t hesitate to answer immediately.

Lunch would be lovely. Thanks again for those words, I feel better now (: I´m afraid we must have to end this conversation later before the flight attendant throws my phone off the plane…


Brilliant! See you tomorrow love. Have a safe flight.


After that you put your phone on airplane mode and stretch as much as the little space between seats aloud. Since you were little you enjoyed a lot to travel, meet new people, new culture. And even though this was a business trip, you couldn’t help but be a little excited (the nervous were still present though).

Basically there wasn’t much to be done. The event consisted of a cocktail, then the runway and after that a party. Apart from your cloth there will be from other big designers. Probably that’s why you are so nervous, your work has to be at their label.

You were only staying in Milan for two days. Tomorrow was the event and the day after you wanted to use it for sight seen and some resting before returning to London. The reason of the small amount of time spent on the trip was that you were traveling alone, that off course was planned before meeting Tom, since neither Hannah nor Jake were free to go with you.

Before you even realize you and your crew were arriving to this beautiful hotel. The very same one were the event was taking place. Apparently your thoughts and listening to Coldplay were making time fly.

Right after you entered to your huge suit you texted both your mum and Jake telling about your safe arrival and about everything that was going on. You didn’t mention Tom since now you see him as another normal person, not a celebrity, a very special person you may add.

For the second time in a row you went to sleep with a big smile on your face.

I´m so sorry for not posting after all this time,  but college was killing me. I know this is a lame excuse, but is nothing but the true. steel, I love you all very much. And as always, some feed back will be lovely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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