Chapter : 4

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The town which was now  living in the doomed mystery of something no one could've ever imagined of, which was way more serious than anything that town was ever aware of. With no clues yet the search was still going on.

I stood near ‘sweet willow river’ which was half frozen. As I was admiring the beauty which stood still in the darkness of the midnight hour until a radiant light fell on me almost blinding me. A sting of pain ran through me before me landing into the chilling icy water of the Sweet Willow River. I quickly got up realising it was just a strange nightmare. I looked over to the corner of my room to see a similar figure. I let my vision clear and saw Noah who stood there eating cookies. “So finally your highness wakes up” she said munching her cookie. “So tell me, why did you wake up like this?” she questioned. “Just a nightmare I guess” I answered. “Tell me all about it” she spoke as she dusted off the crumbs of cookies that were on her plated skirt. Once I was done reciting the story she couldn't help but laugh. “This would make a great fan fiction” she laughed. “Anyways let's get to work and finish off the article” she added. “But I just..” I spoke only to get cut off “yeah I know you just woke up but stop winning and start working we don't have enough time. The next addition of “Weekly breeze” comes out tomorrow.

Registering the thought I got out of the heaven that is my lovely bed handing Noah my laptop. “You know where to find the article” I said before running into the shower.

What seemed like an hour I got out of the shower to see Noah smiling. “Right on time, I'm hungry let's go eat something” she said grabbing my hand and dragging me. “But what about the article?” I questioned. “Well I completed it while you slept in the shower for two hours. God knows what you were up to there” she commented. “showering that is washing myself, that's what I was upto” I spoke making her chuckle. “Whatever you say” she replied chuckling.

We soon reached the ramen stand which Noah for some reason loved. But something made me feel weird. I didn't exactly know what but I got that gutt feeling. But I let it shurg as my stomach growled from hunger. When Noah was about to order I finally recognised the goons form the night earlier. I held on to Noah’s hand making her jump. “We are canceling the order. Sorry” I apologised before pulling Noah with me. She gave me a ‘what the fuck’ look.

We came to the pond which was a few minutes aways from the ramen stand. The pond was basically in the centre of a garden. My feet came to a sudden stop admiring the beauty the garden had to offer. The shirping of birds gave the beauty an admirable view. “Explain” Noah disturbed. “what? Oh yea right… Sorry.. Long story” I stuttered. “We've still got some time” she answered. “But before, let's just grab something to eat” she said as I agreed.

Both of us went to small restaurant which was also of mine as well as Noah’s favourite spot to hang out. We ordered some food before getting to real business. I filled her in with the alley part continuing the rest.

Flash back

We came to an stop as soon as we existed the alley. “What are you? An idiot? Don't you know the alley’s not safe after the the sun sets?” yelled the guy who rescued me from those unwanted goons. “Well” I began as I panted for air from all the running. I took a minute to take a look at the stranger who actually wasn't a stranger. “Kev, I could've taken both of them down, I didn't need your help” I spoke as I started walking leaving him there gasping for air. “Well...ummm...I thought you could use an extra pair of arms so… Besides that doesn't answer my question. What the hell were you thinking when you choose that path, I knew it you shouldn't have” he said as catching upto me. “What were you doing in the alley?” I questioned him. His face turned a slight pink. “I saw you taking the route so..” He said rubbing the nape of his neck. “What are you? Stalking me now?” I replied chuckling as we walked side by side. “ I wasn't” he justified. “You still are following me” I mentioned smiling a little harder. “Well… no umm my house is the same way” he claimed blushing even more.  “That doesn't mean you weren't stalking me” I said walking in the same speed. It was fun being a tease. “Yes it does, I wasn't stalking you. Why in the world would I do that again?” he said as I shrugged my shoulder. I placed my hands in my pocket since it was very cold and that's when I realised that I dropped my identity card somewhere. I stopped again. “Kev we gotta go back” I said backing off. “No why?” he questioned. “I think I dropped my Id in the alley. “We'll find it later tomorrow let's go home now” he spoke. “No, no I'll have to go search for it” I said panacking and walking in the direction until he held my hand. “I'm not going to let you go there alone. I'm tagging along” he commanded. “OK why does it look like a movie where the actress walks in the danger like a fool and the actor follows her to rescue her?” I questioned back. “Cause that's what heros do” he said laughing out loud.

We walked in the alley hoping to find my card and not finding those goons instead. After a good search of five minutes I discovered some foot marks. They were a lady’s foot prints. Being the curious person I am I decided to follow the wet foot prints on the concrete floor. Kevin was still busy looking for the card. As I came near to what it seemed like a small portable house, I could hear someone yelling. The sound smeed more feminine than masculine.

“How many times do I need to tell you to keep it low key. Couldn't you find an better place for the meet? What if someone finds us?”

“Trust me, no one will. During the day thus area is controlled by the pedistrians but at night, we rule this place” a male voice answered.

“OK, getting back to the business. I will pay you the amount planed only when the work is done. It's not just the pictures anymore. I want it to be big. I want my revenge and you will help me in exchange of a hughe amount of money”

“Who's our next target?”

I suddenly jumped feeling something crawl down my feet, which was of course some sort of weird beetle.

“Someone's there”

Before anything else could happen I ran off to where I left Kevin. Holding his hand started dragging him out of the alley.


“What the actual hell? When were you planning to tell me that?” Noah questioned. “Soon, but those people at the ramen stand  were the same people I think I saw yesterday in the alley” I spoke.

“Yo, we should totally publish this. It's our first lead. And here you go your ID was with me” she said handing me my ID.

"Oh my God, I never thought I'd see you guys here" A voice startled me. "Kev what are you doing here?" Noah asked. "Ordering take away, but I guess I'm just gonna order food and eat it here" Kevin answered taking the empty seat besides me. "So any spicy news?" he asked chuckling and looking at me. "Not much except we got our first ever lead thanks to me" Noah answered. "How the fuck is that even relivant?" I questioned. "If I wouldn't have taken your ID without your permission and forgotten it to give it back we would've never known that there's a lady behind all this commotion at school" Noah responded.

"What the hell, you had Liv's ID card. You have no idea how much pain I had to take to try finding it" Kevin commented. "So how did y'all get this new lead?" he questioned. "You don't know" Noah exclaimed. After reciting the story to Kevin we finished our food and headed to the alley where we found the clue, in hope of finding another one.

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