Chapter 6

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This town, had once again fallen silent. Except for the fact that these girls from the cheerleading squad faced alot of public humiliation everytime. Most of them locked themselves and didn't leave their houses. And then comes the new hot gossip Valerie Driscoll dating the absolute charming playboy, Christopher Whittemore. The gossip had spread like a wildfire in the forest

I woke up as the beam of sunshine kissed my face through the window. The sun was already shining brightly in the sky which only meant “Holy shit, I'm late for school” I almost screamed as the realisation hit me hard. I rushed to the bathroom to do my morning routine and once I was done I quickly glanced at the mirror to check if I was looking fine. I had worn a a short denim skirt and a dust pink top that went pretty well with it. I slipped in my boots all ready to head to school. As I barged out of the house my mom started yelling for breakfast. Like always, I had skipped my breakfast. I glanced at my watch, only 20 minutes before the school starts. Since I had missed my bus, walking wasn't an option if I had to reach school on time I'd have to run and running in an demin skrit wasn't exactly what I was looking forward to either. As I stood there debating a sports car passes by, which stopped a few steps ahead from where I was.

The raven haired driver peeked out waving his hand at me. “Yo, Liv late again? I could give you a ride if you want” he darted. “Kev?” I sighed as thoughts flodded in my mind. “Just hop in before both of us are late” he suggested with me still confused. I looked down at my wrist checking time one last time before heading towards the car which stood at a mere distance from me.

The ride was uncomfortably silent and none of us wanted to speak to the other. But I couldn't really tolerate the silence. “Umm” I began just to get cut off by him “don't even ask me about Val, I'm not really in a mood to discuss her”. He said reading my mind. The atmosphere in the car was really thick and awkward and all I could think of was getting to school. I got out of the car as it came to a halt since we had already arrived. Kevin left without saying a word and I was left alone again.

I headed towards my class ‘Today would hopefully be better’ I thought as I entered my first lecture which was Math. One thing that actually cheered me up a little was Noe who kept waving at me. “Heyy” she cheered for the first time which was completely unusual for her. “Dude, what are we going to do about the whole Val interview thing? I'm so confused” she spoke. I could bet that she was actually feeling nervous which also was nothing like her. “I've got something in mind. Both of us suspect that it's Val who's doing all of this. We don't really have any proof so let's just try to get her speaking with questions, which means we gotta design it according” I replied calming her but before she could reply our professor snapped at us, giving us that ‘better stop talking’ look.

It was our break, and for the first time I was super nervous. It was probably natural to be nervous at least that's what my mom said when it was my first time at interview for my post.  

As I entered the cafeteria I was welcomed by the same chaos as everybody rushed to find seats for themselves, like everyday. What was weird was Valerie was nowhere to be seen. Soon enough I received a message on my phone from Valerie.

Val : Sorry, I cannot meet you in the cafeteria. How about the basketball filed? It's usually empty at this point of time.

Me: Sure, meet you there in a few

Val: Great, I'll be there

I grabbed Noe by hand, pulling her with me towards the basketball field. Once we reached I saw a feminine figure waiting for us. She chimed “Liv, I hope you don't mind me calling you that. I apologise for the inconvenience let's start? “Yeah, no problem. Let's start” I replied.

I set all of my stuff on the bleachers ready to ask her questions.

“Tell me how did you met Chris” I asked to which she gave me a small smile. “ I met Chris, when I was pretty young. Both of us, we partially grew together and never could've imagined we'd be here” she shrugged slightly rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean ‘We never could've imagined being together”?  I questioned stirnly. “A-a, I mean well uh” she stuttered as i internally smirked since I knew I was on the right track. I gave Noe a glance and she noted something in her book.

“How did Chris and you suddenly start dating?” “Well he asked me out and since I wasn't seeing anyone” she paused looking unsure.

“does that mean Chris and you are dating just for gaining popularity or maybe just for fun?” I asked “Um no? I don't know where you are getting with these kind of questions”

“How did Chris and you manage after the scandal? The leak of pictures, if you don't recall” I slightly smirked. “That's not even a relevant question” she spoke as she was caught off guard.

“I really like your pendant, where did you get it?” “I-I well this isn't mine, Chris gave it to me” she spoke. “It seems broken though” I replied. “ it's not, I mean I don't know. I-I, what are you doing” she panicked but before she could answer  someone held her hand jerking her to her feet. I looked up to see Kevin holding her hand. “I'm taking her with me, if your blame game is over” he told off. As I tried defending myself he cut me off “Save it you, trapping  my best friend in a fake ass interview without informing me, what a great idea, and you thought I wouldn't even come to know about it? Just wow” he bawled out. “You might think you are really great at what you do but trust me you are not, you may think people love you but guess what no one does, no one would even want to be your friend liv, the only reason they are your friend is because they don't want to get on your bad side and get published on your paper” he continued as I felt the sting in my heart. And the possibility of it being right had started to lower my morale “Just stay out of this, she has nothing to do with any of this. You have no idea what she's going through after all of that” he spoke rather camly but yet sternly before leaving with Valerie being dragged by him.

I was disheartened by how Kevin bawled out on me, how he sided with Valerie and the one thing I found most annoying was how he held her hand for the entire time he yelled at me. It made me feel extremely sad. The way he lashed at me made my heart sink. Nobody had ever spoken to me that way and that made it even more difficult for me. Whatever he said, was like daggers thrown at my soul. I quickly gathered my things as I left Noah before she could say anything about whatever had happened. It was embarrassing to be honest, and more over it was the truth. Even Noah knew, finding true friends wasn't easy. Specially when you are working for the school paper. I was a strong person but those words, had slowly started to crumble my heart. Once my school had ended I went home straight away, without checking up on Noah or anyone else.

I was devastated to be completely true. I decided to take some time for myself, to get over every cruel word, every hate I received that I had held in for too long and hence I missed my school and disconnected from the world for a few days.

It was Thursday, Two days past the incident happened and I was doing pretty good I think. I stayed home all day. It was night already and I had to change in my pajamas. As I took off my shirt, the cold breeze which made its way through the ajar window tickled my bare stomach. I stood in front of the mirror admiring my naked flaws. My ash brown hair, not too long and not too short, though a little thin I thought they suited me pretty well. My eyes pitch black, I could rarely see my pupils, I found my eyes very deep. My cheeks slightly pink that complemented my pale skin. Lips? Little thick, didn't hate them but didn't love them either. My stomach, it was slim, pale and yet not perfect. As I was lost in my thoughts, I was pulled back when suddenly I heard a knock on a glass surface, probably the window indicating someone was there. I quickly slipped into my pajama top before looking at the direction hoping no one saw me.

Words hurt more than any action can. And the words of rage and anger, once they are said they can rarely be forgiven and are difficult to forget. It takes time to heal and sometimes it's best if you give that time to yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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