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I was tagged by PrinceLeviathan so I'm going to attempt to answer these questions, though I don't know some of the fandoms it is referring to. We'll see how this goes. 

1. A magnificent garden party with Captain Jack Sparrow. That would be interesting. I think I would probably bring Loki from The Avengers, and Sherlock (from BBC's Sherlock). That would make for an interesting time, especially with Captain Jack thrown in the mix. Just with their personalities, there would probably be some amusing arguing going on. 

2. I honestly wouldn't beg the Sorting Hat to not put me in a house. I'd want to see where it just naturally places me. Plus, I think I would be fine in any house. 

3. Probably Yoda because he's the only one who comes to mind right now. 

4. I know pretty much nothing about Game of Thrones, so I don't think I can answer this one. 

5. Who are my partners in crime? One of them would be Bilbo from The Hobbit, because he is a burglar, the other would be Captain Jack Sparrow because he is a pirate. 

6. No idea.

7. Tribute for the Hunger Games. That can't be good. I would ally with Lujanne from The Dragon Prince, because she is an illusionist and we could get pretty far. As for someone who kills me, it would probably have to be Runaan (also from The Dragon Prince), because he is an assassin, and I like him, so I would honestly be okay with it. 

8. I don't know anything about Star Trek (at least I think that's what this question is referencing), so I don't think I can answer this one either.  

9.  Redeem a villain? This one's going to be hard to answer. I'm not sure. I would say Loki from the Avengers, but he counts as a villain and a hero. Actually I will go with Loki, just because he needs a happy ending. 

I'm not sure how many people I should tag, so I'll just tag


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