Cameron Dallas Imagine #2

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One day I woke up and I looked at my phone and had thousands of notifications.

I walked over to my phone to see why and turns out Cameron nominated me for the Als ice bucket challenge, maybe that's why everyone was blowing my notifications. I clicked on the video on Instagram and watched him.

"Hey guys! I got nominated by Nash Grier to do the Als ice bucket challenge and I nominate my beautiful girlfriend Jenna. You have 24 hours!!"

He dumped a huge bucket of ice cold water over his head and it looked so cold I feel bad and his scream was sooo cute when he did it. I decided to call him and tell him the challenge was accepted.

About an hour later I done the ice bucket challenge. I filled a huge bucket of ice water and poured it over myself it was so cold, why did I do that?

After I was done doing the Als ice bucket challenge and went inside then I felt a towel wrap around me. I was thinking it was Cameron so I turned around and it was him! He was so cute he wrapped his muscular arms around me with the towel and kissed me on the cheek. He was so adorable and perfect I never got tired of him. After he kissed me on the cheek he asked if we could lay down and watch a movie. We were on the bed cuddled up in blankets with each other. I guess Cameron fell asleep and he was so cute I decided to take a picture of him and post it on Instagram. I covered him up in blankets and we fell asleep together cuddled up by each others side all night.

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