Chapter 1

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Picture of Amy up top^^^^

Beep Beep Beep!!!! The alarm made that annoying sound.

Why do I always have to be awoken from my beauty sleep in such a harsh way?

My name is Amy Marais de Wet. I was born on May 21, 2002. my story is very complicated my mom and dad got divorced before I was born. My mom got custody over me the day I was born so that's how my life started.

I got out of bed and took a shower to wake up to start the day. I picked some shorts and a crop top and my favorite cowboy boots. you see I'm a horse trainer and I love my job I can't seem to get enough of it I just simply love the feeling of the wind in my hair when I ride that's the time I truly feel free.

As I walked out of the house the sun just started to rise and greet the day. Its red fiery color indicated that the wind was going to be strong today and I knew I had to get my work done before it started to pick up. I got my saddle out and walked to my horses that need work I have 55 horses that need to be trained but I only work with 15 at a time.

Rebel saw me coming his way and got excited he always love a great morning outride and training session he never fails to disappoint me.

"Good morning Rebel. You ready to go out for a ride my boy?" he nudged my shoulder as if to say hurry it up I wanna go already. So I waste no time to put the saddle on and tighten the girth so we can go. As always I was happy to ride and loved to run free with my horse. We understood each other and new my secrets.

We got home after an hour of riding and went straight for his feed he knew he did good and that I was proud of him. I walk through all my horses to see that their happy and eating. satisfied I walk home to get myself a breakfast of my own. I walked up to see my mom busy in the kitchen making something to eat. " mm that smells delicious mom what are you making ?" it was a sweet yet not so sweet smell I absolutely loved that smell almost as if it was something I really loved but I just couldn't put my finger on it. "I'm making your favorite my dear, pancakes." "yippy that's going to be so delicious I just know it. Thanks, mom." I gave her a quick hug and went to see what I could do to keep myself busy since the wind started to blow. Sadly I couldn't find anything so I settled with a book to read since I love reading so much.

Halfway through my thoughts started to wander away to my own life and what is going on in it as I am still single and way too shy to talk to people. Damn, how would I get over that I am still not sure? Friends, I only have one that I talked with constantly and occasionally go for a visit their or she would come over to me for a visit. Carla and I met on a Horse show I attended with my old Horse Top Secret in 2015 oh how I miss that horse of mine. I just wish he was still here with me today he was a champion in his day no horse could beat him.


Carla "Morning Girl what you up to??"

ME " Morning. Not much just sitting and reading a book."

Carla " Oh okay cool. I heard Jason will be Riding the next Competition. He and Miracle want to beat HJ in the single stake but I don't know how he wants that one to work but I guess we'll find out about that."

Me " Yeah I don't know how he wants to do that... But I look forward to seeing him try."

You see I kind of have this huge crush on Jason since I started riding the competitions.

Ever since that first day, I could not stop thinking about him.


Authors Note

Hi guys please tell me what you think of this story.

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