Chapter 2

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Picture of Jason above^^^^^^^


Amy Where are you??? Amy oh come on you cant always disappear like that we will find you theres no way you always win in this game.

Oh come on boys you know I'm the best and that you will not catch me that easy haha.

Okay we give up you can come out now.

Dream over^^^^^^^^

Rolling over The sun is high in the sky indicating that I fell asleep while reading my book. Just great the wind has picked up its speed and I can see a few trees have blown over along with the front gate that blew open from the strength of the wind. What will be left of the yard when the wind settles? Is there going to be anything left or will all be destroyed?

No Amy doesnt ask such Negative Questions you already know how the world works you know that this wind will bring lots of rain later on in the week.

I will have to put a lot more practice in with my horses so that we can make up for lost time.

We only have one more week till the competition and we need to be ready I cant wait to go ride. It will be so much fun to see all of my friends and Jason I think Im way more excited to see Jason than anyone else. Sure I dont think he feels the same about me but hey I cant deny I have feelings for him. Although Carla thinks he has the same feelings for me as I have for him but I dont think I can believe her about that. I need to ask her where she came up with that the next time I see her Im one hundred percent sure she lied to me about that one there is just no way that can be true. But deep down I really hope it is true. First I have schoolwork that needs finishing.

The school was easy to do today since I was actually in the mood for school. Thats what I love about homeschooling You can do it whenever you want to without a worry in the world.

Skip to competition

Today we have to load the horse in the trailer to take them to the town where the competition is to be held. honestly, Im a bit nervous because I know we have to do good as this is the second to last competition that will qualify for Nationals and one of my horses has to be in the top 20 to get in.

We had some trouble loading Thunder from Down Under into the Trailer he always hat a fear of that trailer I don't know why he's like that but he just is. Now that everyone is in and settled with there feed we get on the road it about a 4-hour drive to get there.

Like always I fell asleep halfway there. Only to wake up one kilometer from the stables. We stopped there and people showed us where the horse would stay before we could go to the place we are staying we have to take care of the horses every one was super excited and in a hurry to get off of the trailer so that they can go make friends with the other horses.

My heart started pumping faster when I saw that Miracle was in the stable next to Top Secret. I knew I would bump into Jason somewhere and my heart started to go even faster. Damn what is wrong with me Im never like this. I guess its the crus instincts that make me feel that way. I was so deep in thought that I didnt look where I was going and walked right into a wall.

Are you okay Amy? The wall says Wait walls dont talk I look up in shock to see Jason standing there with a concerned look on his face.Y Yess Im fine sorry for walking into you I wasnt looking where I was going.

Don't worry I wasnt looking etheir. Its all good. See you tonight? OMG, he asked me if I was coming tonight !!!!! Yeah Sure Nice going Amy now he thinks your weird well done your such an idiot some times.

cool, Ill see you there then. He said looking down at me with that pearly white smile of his and then walked off to who knows where.

Carla came running up to me with huge eyes. Amy!!! Did I just hear that right he asked you if you are going to come tonight to the braai to meet all of the riders for tomorrow? Or did my ears deceive me? HAHA Carla calm down I thought you saw a snake or something. But yes he did ask me.

OMW please tell me you said yes cause he totally likes you.

Oh, Carla of course I said yes you know we always go

Honestly I was super excited about tonight it had to come quickly so I can find out why he asked me if I would be there.

We went home to get ready for the night And rested a little bit before its time to go.

We got out of the truck and started greeting the people that we knew. of course, we were there before Jason arrived so we started to laugh around with some friends that already where there.

Jason finally came and started to greet people as he walked in I started to get a little nervous because he was coming my way and I have no idea was going through his mind at that point seriously I wanted to run away because I mean my crush is walking in my direction like wow, he was handsome.

Well hi there Glad you could make it I was hoping you'd come. Seriously now Im even more curious why would he be glad I came. Hi Yeah Im glad I came also Im super excited about tomorrow. How're things going with you and miracle?

Yeah me too. Things are going great weve been training hard and she shows some potential so maybe there is a change she is gonna do very well tomorrow.

yep, I heard you challenged HJ We both laughed at that one Oh boy I think I made mistake doing that HJ is a much better rider than me he would kick my ass I know that for sure. I agreed with him on that we both know him being Level 1 and HJ level 4 he was in way over his head this time. Maby She surprises you and comes a little bit closer to beat him who knows maybe she will beat him at the championships, I reassured him not to give up on her because I know that horse would give her life for him she really loves him as an owner.

Im glad I have someone on my side with that she really does her best for me. If only he knew how much I was on his side with all of this I knew he could do better than he already did.

you know I always see potential in that horse of yours she really does love what she does.

Yeah, I know that. But my friends' are calling I have to go see you tomorrow. Have a great night he gave me a quick hug and walked off not giving me time to respond I cant help it feel he wanted to get away from me with that was I really so boring that he had to make an excuse to leave? That night I laid awake in bed wondering what I did wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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