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I recently watched A Clockwork Orange for the first time yesterday with a friend of mine. It was amazing and really weird (which is right up my alley); I don't know how to describe it otherwise. You have to see it to believe it XD (You might wanna read the plot over on Wikipedia or something, as it gets a bit puzzling if you just jump right in) I am considering Alex from the movie as a Halloween costume for this year as well. Not sure if anyone would even get the reference but I could care less >:3

I have a newfound love for Britpop, which I originally found through the virtual band Gorillaz. It turned out that the singer of Gorillaz, Damon Albarn, had a previous group before Gorillaz by the name of Blur. I did know of Blur's existence, but really paid them no mind as I was neck deep in the Gorillaz discography at the time. Come December though, and I get the Girls and Boys music video in my recommendations. I decide to check it out, and nearly break the replay button after XD My favorite Blur album would have to be 13, though. I love how dark and weird it is. Swamp Song would also have to be my favorite song too. I just.. I don't know. I love the weird stuff.

I've recently got into Oasis too, and goddamn I love it.

A̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶h̶e̶ ̶L̶i̶a̶m̶ ̶G̶a̶l̶l̶a̶g̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶f̶i̶t̶

You saw nothing.

Anyway, let's end on a random thought:

Are Mr. Potato Head's kids called Tater Tots?

Mel . _ .

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