Ms. Schitt: Exposed

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Bonjour aliens. Today I share a small anecdote that left me a bit sister shooketh I will admit.

So we were watching a video on some book we were gonna read next week. Everything's going jackanory, as I am about to invest in yet another nod-off session. But suddenly, smack dab outta nowhere, comes a notification from Ms. Schitt's computer. And boy what a notification it is..

So turns out said notification was undoubtedly one for.. well.. porn.

Ms. Schitt finally noticed, amidst all the class laughing, that the notification had popped up and that everyone could see it. She frantically closed it, and began making excuses.

"Oh, well, it's a new computer and all, haven't a clue where that came from." She lied through her teeth, clearly uncomfortable.

The thing is, though, notifications only pop up if you've actually been on something.

So, yeah. New computer my ass.

Song of the Week: Can't Knock the Hustle by Weezer (Cuz the Black Album is bomb)

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