what guts she has!

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after Leo left cause he had to meet up with his dad because of some conference meeting concerning their company, he told me his dad has been grooming him for the company ever since , now he is in his final year, he's been more involved in the company's business. its late in the afternoon and I'm through with everything I had to do, like my assignment and taking my clothes for laundry, I then decide to call bevvy and fer cause I haven't spoken with them in like three days now cause I've been preoccupied either with school work or hanging with Leo or other things you know

I place a conference video call and in two seconds beevy picks up "heyyy" she beams at me

"hey baaaby" I say to her, cause I'm happy to finally talk to her after how many days that seemed like decades already without my girls "where the heck is Fer?" just as they say 'talk of the devil and they appear' Fer does, she finally connects to the call

"hey bitches" she's tying a towel over her head and has another towel wrapped around her almost tiny body

"where have you been cony" bevvy is now frowning at me "we called you know?"

"I'm sorry, I know my sorry wont go anywhere to replace the way you guys missed me, but I'm sorry" they smile at me and still listen "there has just been a lot going on" I say while I pick my nails

"what's going on?" Fer ask with one of her brows raised

"tell us cony, what's wrong?"

such good friends, they're so concerned, they're the best "well, remember Leonard, I told you girls about...?"

"yeahhh, you did it with him?" Fer chirps in with a mischievous smile

"what! no no" I say trying to block such an idea from her mind

"Fer!, you know cony too well, she's not like that, not like you" bevvy rolls her eyes

Fer laughs, we know how she is and we tease her with it, she doesn't take it seriously, dammit we don't take things seriously, that's just how we are "okay, then what happened" she was blow drying her hair, now she drops it and comes closer to the camera

"well, I told you guys he had a girlfriend ..." I trail off telling them the whole situation with Claire and what she and Leo really have and that it is not a legit relationship "so yesterday after the talk, the was this connection between the both of us, you know just like in the movies and... andthenwekissed" I say the last part fast

"hold up hold up" bevvy says, trying to suppress her laugh "what did you say lastly huh?" she places her folded palm like fist over her mouth and Fer, Fer was left with an open mouth ever since I said I kissed Leo

"what" I shrug "it's not like I haven't kissed before , why are you guys acting this way" I look away from the camera pretending to see something interesting on the other side of my room

"so you kiss the handsome-beautiful Leo?" bevvy says with a clenched teeth

"she just said so and I'm as surprised as you bevvy " Fer says to bevvy

"no no we know you cony, what kiss, the one with Justin bigbutt?" hahaha Justin was kind of chubby and he had a bigbutt then but not withstanding he was still adorable

"oh come on he was still adorable" Fer burst out laughing

"that was no kiss cony" bevvy continues after laughing a bit with Fer

"yeah it was just a one time thing and besides you guys didn't look like you'd last cause he kept doing the opposite things not like mr Leo here, by the way you describe him, you already look perfect together in my mind's eye" Fer says smiling

"fine, whatever you guys say, leave that part alone, lets talk about the part where I like him but how about his false girlfriend Claire " now I have worry lines on my forehead

"forget her, we always device plans to deal with brats like her forgotten already?" Fer ask

"noooo, but you guys aren't here" I show a baby frown face

"we can still work things out over the phone conyyy" bevvy says trying to reassure me

"okay... so what's our plan going to be" I ask already almost excited that I'm going to give Claire a taste of her medicine

"first of all girl, show her that Leo likes you instead not her and that you know that, jesus where's the cony of high school who didn't give two fucks huh?" Fer says looking at me closely from the camera

"yeah, do that, that would be a total torn in the flesh for her" bevvy laughs "then during that time we would come up with a solid plan" I nod at them and smile

"how about bitchy Diana , dealt with her yet, or do we come up with another plan to execute her" I spoke to them about Diana and we agreed that I should talk to her about

"what, execute her, that plan alone BELONGS to me" I say pointing to my chest and they both laugh, I tell them I spoke to Diana and I think she's going to adjust so I can fit in comfortably in my room as well, we talk and talk about other stuffs till it is time to hang up


Its six in the evening and I want to go over to Claudia's room to spend time with her, when I open the door a note falls down, so I pick it up and my name is written on the back of the paper, I unfold it carefully to see what's written inside

'you think because he spent the night with you, you think you mean anything to him, you think that night means anything to him? well newsflash it doesn't because you're not the first and definitely not the last I know when it comes to my Leo, so I better warn you now before its too late for you to stay clear of him, Constance don't let things get rough'

oh she didn't , so she saw that we were together, and what, she thinks that this little note can scare me? hah!

in a while later when I'm in Claudia's room , I give her the paper so she also reads what it says

"can this girl be anymore dramatic?" clauddy shakes her head "what, so this is her way of threatening you" I nod I throw carefully Claudia's book I was holding back to the table I pick it up to keep it properly, cause she doesn't like her books being scattered

"you know she is cray cray, she might actually..." I cut her off before she finishes

"she cant do shit, she cant" I say so sure

"maybe you should show this to Leo he'll know how to handle her"

"fine, ill show it to him but not that I cant handle this bitch my self"


what do you think, is Claire really dangerous or somewhat dangerous, should cony really go on to fight this fight for what she thinks Is love? i'd want to know what you think

please vote and comment if you liked the chapter, thank you

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