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ch. 8 ; i miss you, shawn


the drive back home felt tense. he really has a girlfriend, oh my god.

"so you have a girlfriend," i began the conversation.

"well, i mean she's not my girlfriend," he started.

oh thank god.

"but she's hot and i'd like to hook up with her," matthew replied.

that's disgusting.

"can't believe i ever thought you were cute," i mumbled facing my window.

"are you mad at me or something?" he asked with annoyance laced into his voice.

i didn't respond. i was pissed.

"you and i aren't even friends, why are you so about my love life?" he asked pulling into the driveway.

i stayed quiet.

"get out," he responded the same tone i did when i told him to get out of my room after the party.

i didn't hesitate. i unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my phone. i rushed into the house that was unlocked and saw everybody on the couch. except our parents as usual. they all turned their attention to me. my eyes were threatening to spill tears. they all went up to me, and kristen engulfed me in a hug.

"i really missed him," i cried.



i rested my head on the steering wheel. she has been here for less than a week and she's already making me feel things.

no time for feelings, matthew.

i backed out of the driveway and made my way towards jessica's house.


she opened her door and was in a fluffy pink robe. she looked hot. i instantly put an arm around her waist and connected our lips. my other hand locking and shutting the door behind us.

she pulled away.

"let's take this to the bedroom matty," she smiled taking my hand and leading me up the stairs.

yeah, i'm getting laid tonight.



"why would you guys just leave me there?" i covered my face with my hands still crying.

we all ended up on the couch, talking.

"we wanted you guys to make up, its time to forgive him, jade," theo answered for the group.

"well, we're good now," i lied.

"liar. why would you come home crying? and why did you guys take so long?" dylan pointed out.

"well he took me to this place in like the park or something. afterwards. then he said he has some hook up and it's whatever," i explained.

"you like him!" kristen grinned.

"what? no. i don't even know him," i denied.

"then why would you get mad over a hook up if-" ryan started.

"because you don't mention other girls on a date-" why do i always say stupid stuff.

"a date. so you thought this was a date?" dylan smirked.

"what, no," i also denied.

they all shared looks and laughed at me.

"he's a fuckboy, i don't like him. and he left his best friend behind three years ago, i don't like those type of boys," i said.

"mmh, if you say so," kristen said in a sarcastic tone.


we all decided to watch a movie. everybody fell asleep within an hour of the movie and it was 1 am, i decided to go upstairs and go to bed.

after brushing my teeth and washing my face, i got changed back into my pajamas. as i was about to send streaks, i got a text.

shawny ; so it's been a few days and i don't want to seem clingy yet

shawny ; but like you haven't texted me back

shawny ; or called

shawny : i'm worried

omg, shawn. i totally forgot to text or call him. wait if this is what happened with matthew i totally understand him forgetting about me- wait nevermind, three years of forgetting about me. nope damage is still there.

i clicked the facetime button and called shawn.

(bold is phone call)

jade ; hey hey

finally, i thought you died or something  ; shawny

jade ; almost did to be honest

okay, spill ; shawny

and i explained my entire couple of days to shawn. i don't know how long him and i have been talking but we still were.



i finally came back home after a movie with jess and a couple of make out sessions.

as i walked through the front door, i saw my siblings and theo passed out on the couch.

maybe i should talk to jade. clear stuff up, we were doing so well before jess texted me. and before i established my fuck boy status.

as i was about to knock on her door, she was talking once again to somebody else. as usual, i decided to eavesdrop.

"i miss you, shawn. i hate it here," she softly spoke.

"you can survive a month, jade. i believe in you," was that shawn?

his voice definitely got deeper.

"i can't believe i miss him." she continued.

she missed me? i thought she hated me. i stopped listening and walked towards my room.

i'll figure this whole thing out with her soon. hopefully we'll be friends before this break ends. it's different between us now.


i woke up around ten am. i decided to brush my teeth and then go downstairs after changing. i think i'm gonna hang out with the guys today.

last night was on my mind. i couldn't stop thinking about dinner with jade. the park with her. then jess. then back to jade.

everybody was downstairs eating breakfast and talking.

"morning honey!" my mom happily said.

"hey mom, so like i'm gonna go see cam and nash," i told her.

"matthew, you're always leaving the house, spend some time with the family," my dad said.

"i'll be back soon, dad. i promise," i told my parents.

my mom whispered something to my dad and just nodded giving me permission to go. i took my keys and before leaving i swept a quick glance at jade. she was laughing along with kristen. she probably didn't even realize i was downstairs.

i got into my car and began driving to the local starbucks, where my friends were.



ayeee new chapter! please leave a vote, follow, and recommend to friends! also leave suggestions of what i can fix, please. until next update!

~ ya girl

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