Start of something new

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Today is my last day living in this hell hold and by that I mean my care home. You see I was put into care as baby, I've moved around a lot since then, I've been fostered but I was never put up for adoption because my birth parents wouldn't allow it. That's pretty unfair though, they didn't want me so why couldn't I live with someone else. Anyway since it was my 18th birthday last week I can't stay here any more and so I'm going to confront my birth parents.

Everyone's gone out shopping, I was supposed to be going but I told them I needed to pack which isn't untrue but I also need to do some snooping on my file. I go downstairs and log on to the computer, it wasn't exactly hard since our care worker has the password written down in the top draw.

I click on my name and start reading through my file, taken into care as a newborn. I knew all this already but as I started clicking various side tabs I eventually found what I was looking for, the name and address for my parents.

I wrote the information down before I logged back off the computer and went upstairs to my room. Living in care meant that I didn't exactly have much to pack. I rummaged through my clothes placing most of them in a large box, I'd picked a couple of things that my best friend liked and took them next door to her bedroom. Kate was only 16 so she still had a few years left here.

I gathered together my limited things and placed them in another cardboard box stacking it on top of the first one. Then I grabbed my back pack and shoved in my headphones, notebook, some pens and a few other essentials.

I pulled on my scuffed up shoes and battered old coat before slinging my bag on my back and picking up my phone.

To Kate: I found the address, I'm going looking for them. Please don't tell them I'm not at the flat. I promise I'll come and see you soon.

I slipped my phone in my pocket and made my way to the bus station, I waited for what seemed like forever, worried that they would come home any minute and stop me going. It finally arrived and I got it to the train station where I then got the train to Hotton.

The closer the train go to my stop the more nervous I was, I still had to get the bus from Hotton town into Emmerdale village, It's a good job I had a lot of money saved up for this trip.

The bus soon arrives and I pull the piece of paper out of my pocket as I exit into the village, I wandered down past a B&B and a pub and I was heading in the direction of a load of houses. I looked down at my piece of paper 'dale view' I walked along looking at the houses on both sides of the road until I came to the right one.

Suddenly my palms went sweaty, I walked up and knocked on the door. The door quickly opens up to reveal a tall, dark haired man, not exactly what I expected since he appeared to be in his twenties and that doesn't even add up to being possible.

"Can I help you?" He asks kind of rudely.

"I'm ...Erm" I stutter looking down at the piece of paper once more.

"Sorry, I'm looking for James and Emma." I tell him.

"Mum! Dad! It's for you." He shouts into the house and I breath a sigh of relief before realising that this means he's my brother.

An older man comes to the door but the younger one still lingers in the background.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" He asks.

"I erm, I'm Eden." I say nervously.

"Do we know you?" He asks looking a little confused. What's the chance that someone else called James and Emma live in the same house my parent's do?

"I guess not ... I guess maybe that's not what you called me. I was in care." I say getting quicker as I got more nervous.

"What?" The both say almost in unison.

"I was in care, my file says James and Emma Barton are my parents." I reply trying not to speed up too much.

"When's your birthday?" The younger man questions.

"ROSS! This is clearly some hoax. I don't know who's told you this but it isn't true." The older one says getting angry.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset anyone." I say

"So when is your birthday?" The guy I now know to be Ross asks me once again. I look at the older gentleman who glares at Ross.

"22nd October, I turned 18 last week. Hence me trying to look for my birth parents." I tell him.

His eyes widen and he looks over at the older gentleman who looks likes he's in shock.

"Didn't mum have a still born baby? I remember because my 9th birthday was the week before and I begged mum not to have it on my birthday." Ross questions.

I look up hopefully, Ok so they didn't seem like the most welcoming of people but I just needed some answers and then I would be out of here.

"Go and get your mum, she's in bed, didn't fell well." The older man who I am assuming must be James says to Ross.

We go through to the living room where there are two more men sitting.

"What's going on, Who's this?" The older of the two asks.

"Eden, we're just working something out." James replies  

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