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Today is my 19th birthday marking 1 year since I went looking for my family and about a month since I left them. I woke up late which wasn't unusual for me I loved a lay in. I slowly got dressed into a pair of leggings a vest top and a baggy jumper since all I wanted was to be comfy, I wasn't going out so it didn't matter what I looked like.

I went downstairs around lunch time, I had just been moping around all morning. I didn't fancy what was on the table for lunch so I took an apple from the fruit bowl and trudged back up stairs and laid down on my bed.

"Oi!" Kate says coming into my room.

"What?" I ask.

"Why are you so grumpy? it's your birthday." Kate questions.

"Well maybe because I am doing nothing and have no one to celebrate with." I reply grumpily.

"Oh so I am no one to you now then because I am here and I was going to try and celebrate with you if you were a little less grumpy about it." She says becoming annoyed.

"Well sorry if sitting around this place all day playing with little kids isn't appealing to me." I argue back.

"Sorry that we are so utterly boring for you. Have fun sitting up here on your own." Kate fires back walking out of my room.

I huff and roll over on my bed scrolling through my phone which was boring since I had barley any numbers now. Sitting there quickly grew boring but I had pushed away one of the only people I really liked here. The others were ok but I was the oldest so I was only really close with Kate.

A few hours passed by and I was starting to feel bad, so I decided to go looking for Kate and try and make things up with her. I walked down towards her bedroom but she wasn't there so I decided to try the Garden since it was one place we liked to go. I walked down to the bottom of the garden ducked behind the big tree and made my way back to our little hangout.

"I'm sorry." I say sitting down next to her on the old wooden bench.

"Okay." She mumbles

"Look Kate, I'm really sorry. It's not you guys, I've just been thinking about the boys a lot today and everything that has happened and it's just making me annoyed and upset." I tell her.

"Why don't you call them then?" She asks.

"I can't, I left for a reason. A good reason and I have to put up with that." I reply.

"Well then lets stop moping around this place and go and have some fun. Luke might even take us to the roller rink." She tells me.

"I'm grounded remember." I reply a frown on my face.

After me and Kate played those prank and got grounded for a week, we were free for a week and then yesterday I may have accidentally hit Callum in the head with a basketball after he said I couldn't aim for my life. It may have proven my point but it also got me grounded for a month.

"I don't think you can be grounded from your own party." Kate laughs a little.

"What? What party?" I question.

"Your birthday party at the roller rink." Kate replies.

"What?" I ask with more confusion.

"The party that your going to be late too if you do not get your butt upstairs and get changed." Kate tells me.

We both go up to my room and Kate picks out an outfit for me, which is a little dressy but apparently that is the 'theme'. She hurries of to her bedroom to get changed and then I change into my outfit. Not long later we are making our way down to the roller rink. We get inside to see that Bailey, Jade and Cameron from the care home are there along with Maddie and few others from my old school class. They are all dressed quiet posh.

"Did you invite them all?" I ask looking over at Kate as we edge our way onto the rink after putting skates on.

"Yeah, I wanted it to be nice for you and we all dressed nice cause you deserve it." Kate tells me.

"Do you know you are the best person ever." I ask her.

"You weren't saying that this morning." She jokes.

"Shut up." I say pushing her, which causes her to roll off and bump into the wall which makes me laugh.

"I think I broke a rib." She says being over dramatic.

"Shut up it was just a little bump." I laugh coming up behind her to make sure she is actually ok.

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