Rise of the Turtle p1

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Rise of the Turtles P1

Raphael's POV

Finally Master Splinter let us go to the surface after half an hour of goofing off, we were just about to go home because fearless said so, when Donatello stopped and starred at some thing or some one,

"Guys! Look at that! She's the most beautiful girl beside the other girl I've ever seen." Donnie said practically drooling over her. I looked down to see another girl she has Chocolate brown hair and Chocolate brown eyes with a Magenta colored headband she's wearing a Magenta colored shirt with a little bit of blue in the front with the number 15 written in Pink  black tights with shorts like the other girl with red hair, she wearing Purple laced sneakers and she's about Mikeys height, her hair is in a Ponytail, I gotta say she's beautiful.

"Aren't they the only girls you've ever seen, I commented

"My point still stands." Donnie said

As soon as he says that, a white van showed up and strange weird looking men and a muscled guy in a white tang top stepped out of the van and tries to kidnap the man and his two children

"What is this? The father asked protecting his two children

We gotta save them!" Donnie said.

"Splinters instructions were very clear. We're supposed to stay away from people...and bathrooms." Leo said

"I thought you wanted to be a hero. Since when do heroes ask for permission?" I retorted.

"They don't, but-" Leo retorted back, but got interrupted by Donnie

"Well, I'm going. Donnie said he jumped off the roof to help them, me and my brothers followed

Luna's POV

I was walking with my sister and dad, we were about to turn a corner to get home when some white van stopped in front of us, me and April held onto dad terrified

"Help! Help!" April and I shouted as the man knocked our dad out and through him in the van first, me and April were struggling to get free from this guy in the white tang top

"Hey, A voice said and punched one of the guy in black suits out it turned out to be a mutant turtle with a red mask and sai's as weapons he is a dark green skin with emerald green eyes I gotta say he's cute ((I think that's the kind of green eyes he has)) the man in black suit was still standing with an emotionless face

"Still standing, Huh! I'll fix that, The turtle said but got knocked over by another mutant turtle in a blue mask with Katanas as his weapon

"Watch it" The blue masked turtle said and continued his fight with the other guy in black

"You watch it! The red masked turtle complained and continued to fight the guy while doing back flips he bumps into another mutant ninja turtle in a purple mask

TMNT (2012) Raphael x Oc Book 1Where stories live. Discover now