A Day With Damon

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I lay in my bed staring at the walls. Alaric has moved in with us, and it's really weird not having Jenna here. I miss her so much.

"Where's Gabby?" I hear Damon ask Elena.

"In her room. Any leads on where Stefan is?" Elena asks.


"It's been weeks. I want him to come home." Elena says.

"I know, Elena." Damon says.

Damon walks into my room. He kneels in front of me so that I have to look at him. "Come on Gabby. Let's get up."

"No." I whine.

Damon grabs both my hands and pulls me of bed. He hands me some clothes. "Go put these on."


"You can either do it yourself or I can help you." Damon says crossing his arms.

"Fine." I walk into my bathroom and close the door. I change my clothes and splash cold water on my face.

"Let's go." Damon demands. I just stand there and look at him. He grabs my wrist and drags me down the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Damon says, as he starts his car.


"The Mystic Grill?" I ask.

"Yep. Let's go." Damon opens my door for me. I reluctantly get out.  "Let's get you a drink."

We go to the bar and sit down. Damon orders for us, but I have no idea what he ordered.

"Here." Damon hands me a honey gold beverage. "Cheers."

I smile and take a drink of it. I make a face and Damon laughs at me. I start to laugh a little.

"Feeling better?" Damon asks smirking.

"Yeah." I say drinking the rest of this beverage.

Damon calls over the bartender lady for me. He hands me another glass. We drink and laugh for thirty-ish minutes.


I turn around and see Tyler. "Oh, hey Tyler." I giggle.

"What are you doing with Damon?" He asks me, but I just giggle.

"I'm getting her out of the house to have fun."

"Come Gabby, let's go." Tyler says pulling me up.

"I want to stay here with Damon." I say plopping back down on my seat next to Damon.


"She wants to stay." Damon interupts.

"Whatever." Tyler says and walks away.

"Hungry?" Damon asks.

I shake my head 'yes' and take another drink of the beverage.  I shake the little bit of beverage in my cup.

"I don't want anymore." I say sliding the cup to Damon. "May I have some water, please?" I ask the bartender.

"Yeah." The bartender says and goes off to get my water.

Damon orders us some food, once we're seated at a table. The bartender brought me my water a few minutes after we sat down. I stare out the window of the grill and watch people walk by. Everyone looks so happy. I wish I felt happy too.

"Here you go." The waitress says placing out food infront of us. Damon got a hamburger and fries. I got chicken strips and fries.

"Thank you." I say to her.

"Your welcome." She says and walks away.

Damon and I eat in silence. We're just focusing on the flavor of the food.

"How are doing?" Damon finally asks.

"Eh." I say putting a French fry in my mouth.

"I'm sorry." Damon says. He reaches across and putting his hand on my arm, that's resting on the table. A force a smile and look anywhere else but at him. He doesn't move his hand. Instead he moves his thumb back and forth.

"Hello." Elena says walking over. She immediately looks at Damon's hand on my arm. He still doesn't move. I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I don't want to move though. Wouldn't that just make it weird?

Elena makes me scoot over, so in the end Damon had to move his hand. Hallelujah!

Things are very awkward at the moment. Elena seems jealous, even though she's in love with Stefan. She needs to make up her mind.

"Excuse me." I say.

Elena gets up and I go into the restroom. I wash my face and stand there with my eyes closed.


I open my eyes and turn around. "Caroline.." I start to cry and fall into her arms. She hugs me.

"It's okay, Gabby. You'll be okay." She whispers to me. I continue to cry.

"I'm still not okay. I haven't been okay for so long." I cry.

"Everything will calm down. You'll find happiness." Caroline says to me. She pushes my back so I will look at her face. "Listen to me. You'll be okay."

"Okay." I say. She hugs me again. Then I clean up my face and go back to Elena and Damon.

"There you are." Damon says. He pats the spot next to him. Elena stands up and hugs me.

"I have to go." She says and leaves.

I sit next to Damon. "Thanks for today. I needed this." I tell him.

"That's what friends are for." Damon says, then pulls me into a hug.

"Your a really good friend." I whisper.


After about an hour talking with Damon he brings me home.

"Bye." He says. I smile at him and walk into the house.

"You look better." Jeremy says to me when I sit down next to him on the couch.

"Thanks to Damon." I say.

"Nothings going on...right?" Jeremy asks me.

"No. He was being a good friend."

"Well, goodnight." Jeremy says and heads upstairs.

I lay down in the couch and stare at the TV. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Authors Note: Sorry it's a little short. Hope you enjoyed it. Tell me what you think!!! ♥️

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