Chapter 42

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Stampy's POV

We're going the slay the dragons!

I'm so excited I can't believe this I-


My dogs.

I can't take them, or they could be killed.

I'll have to say goodbye.

To my home.

To my dogs.

The my life, for a while.


I'm all packed.

I have everything I need, from food to building materials.

Time to say goodbye.

"Goodbye, home," I say.

I say goodbye to Fred, my friendly enderman. Besides Endy, he's the only friendly enderman. He, too, had his teleportation powers taken away. All enderman had.

I say goodbye to Mittens, she meows in response.

I say goodbye to Stampy's Funland, and all the-well, fun- we had there.

I say goodbye to my house, my farm animals.

Now my dogs.

I go into my doghouse to find my dogs, staring at me with those midnight-black eyes. How I'll miss them!

"Goodbye," I say, as I hug my dog, Duncan.

"Bye Stampy, we'll miss you."

What was that? I wonder.

"It was me!"

I guess I said that out loud.

I look at Duncan, he looks at me with his soft eyes.

We he does next surprises me.

"Well, aren't you going to miss me?" Duncan asks me while giving me the puppy-dog eyes.

Squid wanders over. I hope he can explain this.

"Squid! Did you hear Duncan talk to me?" I ask.

Squid shakes his head.

"He can't hear me," Duncan says.

"Again! There he goes again!" I shout.

Squid looks at me, confused.

"I didn't hear anything! Just Duncan barking!" he says again, a little louder and obviously a bit annoyed.

A bright yellow light erupts from my Minecraft paws.

My eyes feel warm.

"Stampy! Your eyes! They're yellow!" Squid shouts.

I discovered my power.

I can talk to animals.

"Quick! Find me a wild pig!" I shout to Squid.

About five minutes later, he comes back with a pig.

"Can you understand me?" I ask the pig.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Finally, an answer that'll change my life for the better.

"Hey Stampy! Good luck on killing the Endertwins!" the pig says.


I can talk to animals.

I can talk to animals!

Just wow.


"Are you ready?" Squid asks me.

We're about to teleport to the team.

The Chosen Ones.

"I was born ready," I reply.

And I was.

I was part of the prophecy my whole life.

I just didn't realize it most of the time.

We say the sacred teleportation words.

All different color lights swirl around us.

Bright pink, dark green, purple, blue, red, bronze, yellow and orange.

We're ready to fight.

The lights erupted everywhere.

Our eyes turn orange and yellow, matching the colors in our paws and tentacles.

"Good luck," Squid whispers.

I smile and nod in response before he disappears, the lights surrounding him.

The lights wrap around me like a blanket.

The last thing I see is Duncan saying, "Be safe".

"I will," I whisper back.

I hope.


Author's Note:

Hey, people of the Magma Army! It's Peggy here!!

So, Stampy and Squid are now physically joining the rest of the team.

I'll be posting another chapter very soon!

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers! Peggy out!! :D

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