Lifes not a game

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I've always told myself,
Life's a horror game.
There are rules that can't be
"Don't break the rules, Aloe."
The creator doesn't care about how you play.
The creator doesn't care if
You win or loose.
The creator doesn't care if you
Live or die.
The creator just wants you to
"Just play the game, Aloe"
I didn't want to play this game.
I wanted to play candy land.
Not this fucked up game called life.
"There is no way out, Aloe"
I always wanted to
Break the rules.
"Life isn't a game, Aloe"
But life isn't a game.
Life isn't just life or death.
Life isn't just win or loose.
Life isn't a game.
Life has no rules. 
There is no play.
"Life isn't a game, Aloe"
Yet I still pull the strings.
I still dance on the thin line
Between life and death.
I still cling to
My demons because they
Are the only
Ones who were always there.
Life isn't a damn game.
Life isn't a fucked up version
Of candy land.
There aren't any rules.
But if this isn't a game,
Then why are we given the option
To give up?

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