Having Each Other's Back <Finale Pt.1>

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"My Queen, are you okay?"
"I'm fine"
she said quivering in shock.

In the castle going through the secret entrance of the castle. Silently creeping within the shadows Maria and Emily were sprinting through the corridors. Maria running for her dear life trying to find her friends and love of her life. Checking every single hallway and door Maria felt so desperate. Emily could feel her tense up. She herself was worried for her queen. She knew well how much she cared for her friends, family and people.

As Maria went deeper and deeper into the castle she found a door. Wooden like others but with a small window with bars. She peeped on the window and saw stairs leading somewhere under the castle. Shen then remembered the last time she visited the dungeun she smiled as she found it. She tried to open the door sadly it was locked. Emily saw this and said "Stand back my queen" Maria obeyed as she took a few steps back. Emily then kicked the door open. Maria gave Emily a faithful smile as she did the same.

They hirried down the stairs and once they reached the dungeun Maria took a torch from a stand and lead the way."Let's split up" She said ever so quietly. Emily obeyed as she took a torch for herself as she checked each cell. Maria walked slowly, analyzing each and every cell. She tip toed as she didnt want to awake any unwelcome visitors in her way.

Emily let her torch lit the path as she scanned the cells as well. Just then she cane across a cell. There was no lock as she saw a notebook laying on the floor. She went in the cell as she picked up the book. She scanned its features, it was old and ragged. She then saw a printed phrase on the front. It read 'Owner of Syl Kang' Emily's eyes lit up."My Queen" She quietly called Maria as she looked to her direction. Maria went closer as she saw Emily holding a notebook. Emily showed her the ohrase as Maria gasp, tears were held within her eyes. She opened the notebook, to her surprise there were entries. It then clicked it was a diary. She scanned and read the diary in horror, it had revealed so many secrets of horrors. In reality the Syl Kang you knew wasnt even close to what she really is. No, she wasnt the thirteen year old you knew, she was a 20 year old, married to a rich man from her neighborhood. She had left him to go to the castle with Maria and tried to marry one of the staff there and that was Taehyung. When she was in prisoned the king had secretly met with her to make a deal to free her and live her old life. She agreed and thats what was left. Emily comforted Maria as she saw the pain in Maria's eyes. Maria stood up and said "I'll- I'll continue searching for the boys". She then went on, Emily felt sad for her queen but she decided it was best for her ruler to find the people she loved for her own sake. She stood up and continued to find them. It had already been a few minutes and it felt like hours. Emily was looking carefully, she then heard shackles.'I wonder..' she thought as she went to follow the sound. As she got closer she approached slowly making sure her torch was lighting the way. To her surprise she saw seven figures. She could hear someone crying and struggles. She made her torch go closer to see it was them. Her eyes widen as her hand shake."Oh my god" She mouthed as she took a few steps backward before kicking the lock into two. She opened the door and entered."My Queen I found!- Ah" She stoped as she looked at the man who was crying out of the seven. She bent over to him. She scanned him, to give herself a conclusion."Are you Taehyung?" She asked. His head looked up as she saw dry tear marks on his face. She sighed 'A total mess' She thought."Look... I really dont know how to tell this to you at all..." She spoke. There was a force pulling her back but she gathered her strength."That girl you liked, Syl right? She.... never loved you. She- how can you say this? Used you... Look Taehyung sir dont cry over she wasnt worth it, Cause she only loved you cause of your looks." She continued."Loving someone means them loving you and you loving yourself and their inner beauty... dont cry over some stranger who blinded you with their attitude over you.." She ended her speech. He looked at her and she looked at him. They stared at each other with care." Oh my god!" They heard a voice behind them to see Maria in tears seeing them like that she ra to Jungkook, hugging him in the process tears falling out."My Queen.." Emily said as she took out a pin."Emily..." Maria looked at her with light in her eyes."Youre a genius!!" She smiled as she hugged Emily the two laughing at their actions. They unshackled and removed the gags on them."So glad your safe" Jin said to Maria she nodded as they heard arrows being released. They looked at each other speechless as Taehyung spoke.















"Oh no.."

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