Part Five: The Deal

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A glass of champagne smashed onto the floor, spraying bubbles everywhere and sending glass shards flying. Alec's hands abruptly pulled out of Magnus' to twist together in shock. The whole room stopped and held its breath in an uneasy silence till Alec walked across the room to stare out the window. All at once everything was back in motion. Magnus rushed over to help Catarina.

Clary knelt next to Magnus to help carry Cat to lie on the kitchen table, where he immediately started addressing her wounds with magic and tonics. Izzy angrily rushed out of the apartment and down the hallway to make sure that Lilith was nowhere near them and that the magic protection spell was still intact. Jace hastily inspected the damage done to the apartment. No broken windows, or busted magic locks. Lilith must have portaled in. Everyone was on autopilot, willing themselves not to feel what they just couldn't accept as true.

    Midway through wrapping a bandage around a deep gash on Caterina's arm, Magnus looked up to where Alec was standing by the window. He was no longer standing and had crumpled to the ground, sitting with his face in his hands, deathly quiet and still. With a snap of his fingers, magic finished the bandaging on Caterina's arm and Magnus joined his husband on the floor. Alec leaned into Magnus' familiar touch as his arms wrapped around his shaking shoulders.

    "What have I done to deserve this, Mag?" Alec said barely above a whisper into Magnus' ear. Magnus felt his heart crush into a million pieces at Alec's hopeless words..

    "N-nothing darling, we'll fix this...somehow." For the first time in a few hundred years Magnus didn't know what to say. He just sat there dumbfounded as everything sank in. He had known it was too good to be true. He knew his faerie tale ending was unearned. It wasn't what Alec had done to deserve this. It's what he had done.



    "You realize if I do this you'll be forever indebted to me, Bane?" Lilith's cold voice echoed through the wet cavern walls. She looked back at Magnus standing in the entrance to the tunnel. The tunnel that led back to the crypt where the underground chamber could be accessed. When Lilith looked back for his eyes they were heavily glazed as he started at the altar at the far end of the room. His iris' flicked back as forth as he read the inscriptions carved into the stone and nodded without looking at her before walking up to the dais.

    "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Her sharp voice reverberated through his chest, her power was stronger here, and he knew it. He pulled back from his instinct to climb onto the dais. "There's an incredible amount of raw power contained in that step, in that stone, and in that chair. Power like that would crush a mere warlock like you. It was the throne of Azrael, the angel of death." Magnus turned around to face the tall, dark woman.

     "And you're sure he's the one who can bring him back?" His confident voice wavered.

    "Of course I'm sure." Lilith snapped. "Do you think I'd waste my time dealing with half-breed scum like you if it was only on a whim?" Suddenly he was nose to nose with the most powerful woman in all of human and nephilim history. Magnus nearly tripped backwards in surprise.

    "Right then. If this is it, let's get it on with." He walked quickly away from her to stand to the side of the massive dais holding the large stone chair. He looked back at Lilith nervously and nodded again. She looked at him in slight bewilderment before walking onto the dais and running her hands over the runes carved into the back of the chair. When she turned back around to him her eyes had gone completely black, glistening like a shark's.

    She spoke in tongues in a language Magnus didn't know, yet perfectly understood. She called upon the dark angel. He could feel the sinister magic radiating through his chest and soon he began to feel a sharp throbbing in his skull. He put his hands over his head and groaned at the pain. His knees started to give out and he caught himself on his hands before he fell completely to the floor.

He opened his eyes a crack and was shocked at what he saw. Never had he never seen anything like it. Lilith, in all her mystic beauty, was floating above the throne, dark tendrils of black smoke surrounding her body. Her head was tilted so back far that it looked like her neck was snapped and that same black smoke came out of her broken-jawed, open mouth. A male started to take shape to sit on the throne. Slowly as he became more solid, Magnus realized what was happening. This was Azrael! He had to get to him before the spell was broken. He crawled in front of the dais at Azrael's feet.

    "Azrael! Please, you have to bring him back! I need him. Please!" Magnus begged and sobbed, partially from the pain and partially from his fear and relief from the sight of the angel in front of him. "Please!"

    "Why did you call on me, half breed?" Azrael's voice boomed through the cavern, the walls shaking.

    "Omari! My love!" Magnus gestured to the cold corpse in the center of the room. "I can't live without him! We were to be married, but he was brutally slaughtered by a greater demon. He was only human and I fear I have lost him forever." Tears flowed freely from Magnus' eyes. "He was the love of my life. I feel as though I will never find love as strong again." Azrael looked curiously down on Magnus groveling at his feet.

    "Warlock, this magic comes with a price." The cowering Magnus nodded frantically.

    "Whatever it is I'll pay. I don't care about myself or anyone else! Only him. Only Omari."

    "Very well, I will bring back your love. If you claim that he is the love of your life, then he must be. But, if he shall ever leave you or you find love in another, I warn you, you will never find happiness in love again."

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